Magic - Part 3 of A Different View

Dec 12, 2007 00:28

Title: Magic (3/? of A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: 494
Pairing/Characters: Harry, Draco
Challenges: AWDT's prompt of "A Fairy on the Christmas Tree" and my GJ 100_prompts entry #093 - "Walking".
Summary: A little bit of magic casts some light on Grimmauld Place.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

To see all parts of A Different View, click here.

Harry followed Draco out the back door of Grimmauld Place, not sure of just what was happening.

The day had begun like any other since the war had ended. He had gone to Hogwarts to help out with the extensive repairs. There were curses to be broken, wards to be lifted, jinxes to be reversed, all left behind by the Death Eaters. Most of those were being handled by senior staff members, and in some cases by Curse Breakers from the Ministry.

Less dangerous work was assigned to students. Since the school was being restored one tower at a time, this meant that they were all working closely together.

Harry had needed to collect some things that Order members had left behind in Grimmauld Place. Since Harry had only recently begun to feel like it was his home and no longer headquarters, he was reluctant to have others rummaging around.

Somehow, though, Malfoy had convinced Harry to let him tag along. Harry had been about to refuse, but as he recalled the dirty looks the others shot the Slytherin every day, he couldn't. Draco had been ordered to work community service hours as reparations for his role in the war, but Harry noticed that he never complained. Just then, though, Harry couldn't blame him for wanting to get out, so he had let him come along.

Then the stupid package had arrived from Privet Drive, and Draco had found that letter. Why had Harry told him it was okay to go through everything? Then Draco had done the unthinkable. He had apologized to Harry and then left, dropping the letter on the table as explanation.

Then he had come back and extended an olive branch of sorts. Harry had thought at first it was pity driving the other man, but was wondering now exactly what was motivating him. Here they were, walking together outside, going to cut down a Christmas tree for Grimmauld Place.

As they got to work selecting a tree, Harry kept watching Draco for any sign of ... well, something. It was unnerving. Sure they had got on alright since they'd both started working at Hogwarts, and Harry was the only person Draco spoke to, but still. It's not like they were friends. Yet here he was.

They made short work of selecting, cutting down & bringing the tree inside. Harry had to admit it looked perfect in the sitting room.

"Thanks," Harry said.

"Shall we decorate it then?" Draco suggested. Harry looked at him in surprise. "Or ... well ... I can leave you to do it later. We probably should get back."

"No," Harry reassured him. "I'd like your help, if you're offering." Draco nodded. "Let me fetch the decorations you bought; I'll be right back."

As Harry returned to the sitting room, he admired the tree again. "Draco, there's a fairy in the Christmas tree. How did that get there?"

With a grin, Draco replied, "Magic."

Part 4 - Nothing Less

100_prompts, awdt, different view, h/d

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