Unbearable (H/D, PG-13)

Dec 06, 2007 00:10

I present you with another very late birthday gift fic, for the awesome, funny, talented, amazing beta and buddy of mine, charmed310, who presented me with my birthday ficlet before I got hers done. Hopefully it's good enough that you forgive me, hon!

Title: Unbearable
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 2055
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, ( Read more... )

bday gift 07, bday, 100_prompts, gift, slythindor100, h/d

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svgurl December 6 2007, 06:17:58 UTC
This one completely rocked! I love Hermione ... and your Draco is so much fun. So is Harry ... okay, I love them all. LOL

You're really on a posting spree lately. Not that I'm complaining. :D In fact, I encourage it! I get to read more lovely Harry & Draco fics! Which, in the middle of studying for finals, seems to be keeping me sane.

Thanks for the fic!

As per our tradition, a pic for you. :)


sesheta_66 December 6 2007, 06:38:39 UTC
Guh, woman! LLLLLovely! First leather, then abs. *wipes up drool*

Yay! So glad you enjoyed it.

Yup, yup. I have to catch up on the birthday fics I owe, then there's a DAILY challenge over at slythindor100, and another one at AWDT starting next week, plus all the usual challenges, plus my Christmas gift drabbles ... *frowns* ... have you requested one? Go here to do so.

I'm insane, but I'm in good company with enchanted_jae, so at least I'm not alone. :D


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