Missing (H/D, PG-13)

Dec 05, 2007 20:55

Well, at long last, I bring you a gift for the lovely ravenqueen55, who has been very patient with me, waiting for me to write this. Hope you enjoy it, hon!

Title: Missing
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 1460
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Ginny, a hint of Lucius/Narcissa
Challenge: For ravenqueen55's birthday prompt of "I would like something a little angsty yet sweet, including a first time or first kiss scene, and, of course, a happy ending. If you could throw in even just a mention of a hateful Ginny, all the better!" It also fits this week's AWDT prompt, "Where the (insert expletive) are you?" and my GJ 100_prompts table #096 - "Outside."
Summary: Harry returns to the Great Hall to give Draco his wand back. EWE.
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country. The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

"Malfoy," Harry said as he re-entered the Great Hall and approached the table where the Malfoys were sitting. Both Lucius and Draco turned when he spoke. "Er, sorry. Draco, may I have a word?" Draco looked slightly perplexed, but rose to join him. Lucius put a hand on his arm to stop him.

"Really, Father, the man just saved my life. I hardly think he's about to kill me now," Draco drawled. Harry did his best not to laugh at the utter lack of respect Draco's voice held for the senior Malfoy, so completely out of character, and so long overdue. "Mother," he said politely, excusing himself from the room.

As they exited the Great Hall, Ginny came running up behind them, just outside the doors. "Where the hell are you going with Harry?" she demanded.

Harry could almost feel the contempt wave off Draco's body as he stiffened and turned. Before Harry could interject, Draco said, "We're going to celebrate the downfall of the Dark Lord. Alone. I'm sure you get my meaning." To emphasize his point, he leaned his body in closer to Harry's, intertwining their arms.

This time Harry couldn't contain his laughter, but he tried covering it quickly with a cough. He also made no attempt to move away from Draco, not entirely sure why he was going along with it, but rather amused by this turn of events, and frankly curious how Ginny would react, since it had been she who had initiated the confrontation.

Predictably, her temper took over. Screaming like a shrew, she lunged for Draco. "How dare you!" Instinctively, Harry put himself between the two. Given Draco's position clutching Harry's arm, Harry had no alternative but to end up facing him, which, no doubt, looked to all watching as though Harry was taking Draco into his arms. Ah, well, what could you do? He would have to explain to Ginny later. Right now, he just wanted to avoid a nasty scene.

He leaned down and growled in Draco's ear, so that only the Slytherin could hear him, "I think we should leave ... now."

"Why, Harry, I thought you'd never ask!" Draco said loudly, clearly for Ginny's sake, and then he kissed Harry on the cheek. Kissed him!

The two of them marched away from the Great Hall, arm in arm, Harry desperately trying not to laugh at the absurdity of it all. They found an empty, yet still undamaged classroom in which to have their conversation.

As Harry closed the door, Draco said, "Thanks for protecting me from the she-weasel, Harry." He batted his eyelashes. "My hero! I don't know what I would have done without you."

"Without this" -- he pulled out Draco's wand -- "you probably wouldn't have done much of anything."

A stone mask fell over Draco's face suddenly. "Right. Forgot. Stupid of me. Going to rub it in my face now, are you, Potter?"

"What on earth would I do that for?"

"I don't know ... for the pleasure of telling me I told you so ... You joined the wrong side ... See what happens when you don't listen to me. Something like that."

"Draco, I wanted to talk to you because I wanted to say thank you, and I wanted to give this back to you."

Draco took back his wand, but he looked hesitant. "Is this some kind of joke, Potter?"

"No joke. The wand is yours."

"Not the wand. I mean, why would you thank me?"

"For not identifying me at the Manor, and again for not letting Crabbe kill me. You saved my life. Twice."

"Hardly. What you did saved my life twice."

"So we're even, then."

"You're kidding, right?"

"Not kidding. You saved my life twice. I saved your life twice. We're even."

"I hardly think anyone else would see it that way," Draco argued.

Harry grinned. "Since when have I ever cared about how other people see me?"

"True, but still. I don't even buy that, and I was there."

"Well, you don't have to buy it, because I'm not trying to sell anything. I just call it as I see it, and I wanted to say thanks and return what is rightfully yours."

"I suppose you expect thanks as well?" Draco asked, barely concealed contempt evident in his tone.

"Not at all. You aren't obliged to do anything."

"That'd be a first."

"Yeah, I know the feeling," Harry said with contempt to match Draco's. "Anyway, I don't expect anything from you, Draco."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he accused. "And stop calling me Draco!"

Harry took a deep breath, removed his glasses, and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Exhausted, he sat on the desk at the front of the classroom. "First, it just means that you make your own choices. If you genuinely want to thank me, I'll be happy to accept that. If you don't want to, that's fine too. I don't expect anything from you." He paused to put his glasses back on. Looking directly into grey eyes, he added, "I am so sick of people telling me what is expected of me that it would be rather hypocritical for me to expect anything of anyone else, don't you think?"


"And why shouldn't I call you Draco? It's your name, after all."

"It's just ... weird hearing you call me anything but Malfoy."

"What's weird is that you just kissed me in front of everyone in the Great Hall, and left everyone -- your parents included, in case you didn't notice -- with the distinct impression that we were going off to have our own private little celebration. I'd say it would be rather strange not to call you Draco if that were the case."

Draco grinned predatorily. "But that isn't the case, is it Harry?" He stepped closer. "But perhaps you want it to be the case." He walked up to Harry and stood directly in front of him before leaning down, hands either side of him, braced on the desk Harry was sitting on. "Is that it, Harry?" His lips were a breath away from Harry's. "Do you want us to have our own ... private ... party?" The last three words were barely louder than a breath.

Harry maintained his ground, never flinching. "Don't be such a tease, Draco," he said with a raspy voice he barely recognized as his own.

"Oh, but I'm not, Harry. I'm completely serious. Are you?" He leaned in and slowly licked a path along Harry's bottom lip, never losing eye contact. Harry was frozen in place, staring into the depths of Draco's grey eyes, breathing in his scent, as Draco's tongue was sending waves of pleasure throughout his body. As Draco began to draw back, Harry's brain kicked in and he reached out to stop him from pulling away. Weaving his hands through blonde hair, Harry just stared into the face of a boy -- a man that he had known all his life, but had never really gotten to know. They stayed like that for so long, staring into each other's eyes, that Harry lost all sense of time, as if they were willing it to stand still.

After what felt like forever, Harry tentatively pulled Draco closer, his thumbs caressing Draco's cheeks. He marvelled at the contrast of his darker skin against the pale, almost translucent hue of Draco's, wondering why he had ever thought it was anything but beautiful. Slowly, he pulled him in and brushed his lips against Draco's. The same sensation that he had felt at the touch of Draco's tongue on his lip surged through him again. Harry kissed him softly, savouring the feeling of Draco's soft lips against his own slightly chapped ones.

His body ached for more contact, and as Harry tentatively ran his tongue along Draco's lips, he heard the other man whimper as he parted them, granting entry. The moment for hesitation was over, and Harry plunged his tongue into Draco's welcoming mouth. As Draco's tongue responded to his own, all Harry could think was Oh, God, this was better than any kiss he had ever shared with anyone. It shook him to the core, and they had barely even begun.

They pressed their bodies together, savouring the touch, the feel, the taste of each other. It was perfect.

How long they remained there, locked in an embrace that felt as though it could never be broken, Harry didn't know. But when they pulled apart, both flushed and out of breath, Harry felt bereft, as though a part of him was suddenly missing. It was then that he knew what had always been missing from his life. And he knew that he could never, ever live without this man again.


bday gift 07, bday, 100_prompts, awdt, h/d

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