Post-War Correspondence - Part 5 (H/D, G)

Nov 22, 2007 02:07

Title: Post-War Correspondence - Part 5 - A Little Help From Friends
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: G
Word Count: 600
Challenges: hd100's prompt of "thankful," dracoharry100's prompt of "chips," and my GJ 100_prompts table #075 - "mistake".
Summary: Harry is hesitant. Ron is resigned. Draco is distressed. Pansy is pleased.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
Author's note: Part of a series of one-shots, each standing alone.

If you'd like to play catch-up, Click here for part 1.

"I'm not sure what to think, Pans."

"Well, why don't you let me see the letters from Potter, and I'll give you my opinion."

"No!" he snapped, realizing too late that his reaction gave more away about his own feelings that Harry's.

Pansy grinned. "Methinks you doth protest too much."

"I don't have anything to hide, so I'm not worried about what you thinks."

"Come now, Draco honey. I'm a Slytherin too. And if I were a betting person, I'd throw all my chips in that you're hiding your own feelings."

"Yes, well, thankfully we're not betting people, are we?"

"Draco, seriously, how do you really feel about Potter?

"I'm not sure."

"Draco, it's me. I'm not going to tell anyone." He lifted an eyebrow in challenge. "Seriously, you should be thankful it's me and not Blaise."

"You have a point there. And you won't tell anyone?"

"Not unless you want me to."

"Right then. We've been writing to each other for a while, and I suppose we're ... friends."

"So when did you see him last?"

"That's just it, we haven't seen each other. It's all been by letter."

"Don't you think it's time you did something about that?"

"So why did you write to Draco?" Harry asked.

Ron sighed. He was afraid of this. He didn't know what or how much to say, since he suspected that Harry was as oblivious as ever. What if the ferret didn't feel the same way? Better yet, what if Ron was mistaken and Harry didn't have feelings for Malfoy?

An owl at the window distracted Harry, and thankfully Ron didn't have to respond.

When Harry opened the letter and his face lit up, Ron thought he knew who it was from. "Another letter from Malfoy?"


Oh, he's got it bad!

"He said we should meet up for dinner," Harry said animatedly.

Ron figured the best way to clue in his friend was just to throw it out there. Thankfully, he wasn't known for his tact at the best of times, so if Harry balked at the idea, he could brush it off as a joke.

"So, it's your first date with the ferret! Where are you going?"

"What? Date? What do you mean?"

"Well, I doubt he'll be up for fish and chips at the local pub. He is a Malfoy, remember?"

"Oh, yeah." Suddenly Harry wasn't feeling so well.

"Relax, Harry, I'm sure you can have chips somewhere else," Ron said jokingly.

"What? Oh, yeah ... ha ha, very funny. It's not the food I'm worried about."

"You shouldn't be worried about anything. You're Harry bloody Potter!"

"What?! What the hell's that got to do with anything?"

"I just mean that you should be thankful for your fame."

"Draco doesn't care about that."

"Oh, right. Forgot. Sorry, mate."

"You don't really think this is a date, do you?"

"Yeah, I do," Ron grinned. "Who'd have ever thought?"

"You seem amused. I would have expected you to blow a gasket."

"Nah, I just want what makes you happy. Besides, I'll hex his bollocks off if he hurts you."

"And for that I should be thankful?" Harry asked.


"You already have him doing something wrong, and we haven't even gone out yet."

"No, I don't. I'm just telling you that I'm here for you."

"Oh, well, thanks then."

"Don't mention it. So I say we let the chips fall where they will, and you take your chances with the ferret for happiness, yeah?"

"Yeah, I think I will."

"So write back and set up this date."

Anytime. Anyplace.

drabble, 100_prompts, hd100, correspondence, dracoharry100, h/d

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