No More Waiting (H/D, PG)

Nov 21, 2007 00:56

Title: No More Waiting
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1234
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Hermione
Challenge: For sassy_cissa's birthday prompt of "And if not now, when?" It also fits the current slythindor100 quote of "Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections" and my GJ 100_prompts table # ( Read more... )

bday gift 07, bday, 100_prompts, slythindor100, h/d

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svgurl November 21 2007, 06:23:37 UTC
This totally put a smile to my face! I love Hermione . . . and she is so awesome. How she figured everything out and just encouraged Harry to go for Draco.

And that last part! OMG . . . Draco, he's too adorable for words. I love these fics and this one is no exception.

thanks for writing and sharing! :)


sesheta_66 November 21 2007, 06:26:54 UTC
Mmmm ... first, I need to take a moment to melt over your icon. *sighs*

I'm glad you enjoyed it, and that it brought a smile to your face. I see Hermione as wanting her friends to be happy above all else, so yeah, she was pretty awesome in this.

*hugs Draco*

Thanks for reading & commenting. :o)


svgurl November 21 2007, 06:31:41 UTC
Tom Welling is gorgeous, isn't he? ;)

Hermione is the type who would be the one who would understand. I love her to pieces. :D

I'm always here to read your fics! They're awesome.


sesheta_66 November 21 2007, 06:34:38 UTC
Guh! You're killing me here! Now I just want to lick those abs ... *swoons*

Good Lord, woman! How am I ever going to get to sleep now?

*sighs* - I suppose I could finish up another drabble or two instead.


svgurl November 21 2007, 06:41:03 UTC
I'm sorry, I don't mean to kill you. Smallville season 4, ep 1 "Crusade" . . . they show his ass. It's great. He used to be shirtless more often. Those were good times.

You can sleep . . . and have pleasant TW dreams!

But if you want to write more, i certainly won't complain. ;)


sesheta_66 November 21 2007, 06:47:18 UTC
No apologies required. In fact, the more bare-chested TW the better, imho. I was just ready to head to bed, and knew that my mind would be focussed elsewhere. Pleasant dreams, indeed.


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