For Now (H/D, G)

Nov 09, 2007 17:41

Title: For Now
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: G
Word Count: ~ 410
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco (pre-slash).
Giftee: For alaana_fair who always likes a happy ending. It also fits my GJ 100_prompts table #098 - "Wrong."
Summary: Can Harry admit that he was wrong?
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country. The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

I look at you sitting across the room from me and know that I was wrong. I can say that now, because I am man enough to admit it. After everything I've been through in my life, I figure How much more could the truth hurt? Apparently quite a lot.

I don't pretend that you were perfect, because no one is, and you made some bad choices. But when I consider your family, your house, your life, I have to question how many of your 'choices' had been made for you.

I, on the other hand, did have a choice. Long ago when a young boy offered me his hand, I turned him away. Yes, you were being a prat. Yes you reminded me of Dudley. Yes, you had insulted Hagrid. But as I think back now, I suspect it was just your way of winning favour. It's not like you knew that my cousin was a bully, or that Hagrid was the only person who had ever been kind to me.

I replay that pivotal moment in time over and over in my head, and I can't help but wonder how my actions that day may have set off the chain of events that became our rivalry. I feel that I may have done more in that instant to solidify your views that I would have imagined.

I get up from my table and cross the room, mind made up. I know we can't change our history, but I hope we can change how we continue in the future.

"Hello, Malfoy."


I put my hand out in a familiar gesture. I watch as I imagine the war going on in your mind. Should you shun me as I had you? Should you laugh at me and cause a scene? Or should you take my offer of friendship, so we may start afresh?

"I thought maybe we could try being friends," I offer. Your grey eyes pierce me with their gaze. I can sense that you're trying to determine whether this is a genuine offer or not. "All those years ago ... I was wrong."

Those words finally do it. I can see the coldness leave your eyes, to be replaced with a lightness that had never before been directed at me. Then you smile, and I feel my stomach flip.

"Friends?" you ask as you take my hand in yours.

Smiling back, I offer, "For now."


wrockstock, 100_prompts, h/d

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