The Perfect Disguise (H/D, PG-13)

Nov 03, 2007 22:11

Title: The Perfect Disguise
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13 (for language & suggestion)
Word Count: ~ 700
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Challenge: For anathema91's birthday prompt of "I found the perfect disguise for you ... but you're going to hate it." It also fits my GJ 100_prompts table #062 - "smirk."
Summary: Draco has a suggestion when Harry runs out of ideas.
Warning: Cross-dressing.
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country. The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

"I found the perfect disguise for you ... but you're going to hate it."

"Well, I've run out of ideas myself. Nothing really makes me look NOT like me that they haven't already seen before."

Draco grinned widely as he left the room. Harry should have known that wouldn't bode well for him. He returned with something red and ... shimmery?

"Oh, no way Malfoy!"

"Now just give it some thought, Harry. I mean no one would suspect --"

"I should hope not!"

"No one would think you would ever wear --"

"Because I won't!"

"C'mon, Harry, you said it yourself. You've run out of ideas."

"Only because the Death Eaters are always on the lookout for me. They suspect that everyone is me, so I need to come up with something better"

"Right. And this is better. This way you can be my date, fawn all over me, and no one will be the wiser."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Am I supposed to swoon too?"

"Well ... it's not necessary, but it would help, yes."

"But it's a dress!" Harry whined.

Draco's face broke into a feral grin. "I know," he said, clearly enjoying the prospect of seeing Harry in a dress ... maybe a bit too much.

"Fine!" Harry agreed, grabbing the dress and storming off to the bedroom.

He could hear Draco's voice calling after him. "I got it in Gryffindor red for you." He was sure he could hear him smirk. "And there are matching shoes in the bedroom."

"How thoughtful," Harry retorted.

Harry performed a quick hair-removal charm on his legs and donned the dress and accompanying black stockings and shoes Draco had provided him. After several last-minute adjustments, trying desperately to pull the dress down to a length somewhere close to his knees, Harry made his way back out uncomfortably.

He watched as Draco's jaw dropped, his eyes glazed over and ... was he blushing? Harry was sure he was almost as red in the face as his dress, but why Draco was ...

"You're ... you're ..." Draco choked out.

"What?" Harry asked nervously. "It's too short, right? I look ridiculous!"

"You're fucking gorgeous!"

Harry went redder still. "Very funny," he deadpanned.

"No, Harry. I'm serious. You're ..." His voice was raspy and he seemed to lose focus. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea," he said.

"Why?" Harry joked, walking up to Draco and running his finger down his cheek softly. He leaned to whisper in his ear, "Afraid you can't keep your hands off me?"

Draco closed his eyes, leaning into Harry's touch. "Yes," he groaned. When he opened his eyes, Harry saw the lust in the deep pools of grey and knew that Draco meant it. His stomach did a flip as the impact of that realization sank in. He had been thinking about Draco that way for some time, but had no idea if his feelings were reciprocated.

Harry cupped Draco's cheeks in his hands and leaned in to brush their lips together. When he heard Draco moan in response, Harry trailed his tongue over those welcoming lips, which parted in further invitation. Harry obliged, and when their tongues met, Harry's body reacted instantaneously with a rush of pleasure stronger than he'd ever felt before from just a kiss.

He ran his hands through Draco's hair, then pressed their bodies together. One or both of them - Harry couldn't be sure - moaned at the contact. He was sure that the heat rushing through their bodies at this mere touch had raised the temperature in the room.

As the reality of the situation returned to Harry, he pulled back. Draco let out a whimper, and Harry chuckled in response. "So we should go then," he said.

Draco's eyes fluttered open, and he straightened his body. He swallowed and took a few deep breaths. "I don't know if this ... if you ..."

"If I should go like this?"


"Because you can't keep your hands off me?" Harry grinned.


"Then it's the perfect disguise, right?"


"Like you said, the perfect disguise."

"Well ..."

"Only it'll be you fawning all over me."

"Fuck, Harry."

"Yeah ... but when we get back."

bday gift 07, bday, 100_prompts, h/d

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