I am creating a mini-site on my site specifically for S.A. Pagans. It will have a full menu highlighting areas of interest. This is what I have so far as categories:
Meetups, Yahoo Groups, location of SA pagan Community Forums (such as MySpace, LJ etc), Pagan Night Out (PNO), S.A. Pagan Pride Day, Open Circles/Group/Covens. Frappr map.
Each topic will have its own menu header; each Meetup and events such as PNO will have its own page (with writeup by the Organizers). Open groups will have a basic overview and requirements, written by the group leaders.
The link will be
http://www.seshen.com/sapagans It's not yet up, but this be an easy way to send folks to one site that organizes different areas under one place. NOTE: I will NOT be listing individual web sites or commercial sites at this time. It's strictly community oriented.
When I have things more set up, I'll let you know. If you're interested in being a part of it, please contact me off-list. Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions on this project. Thanks!