Dec 20, 2011 22:33
I've been pretty busy lately, very stressed out. I've been working really hard at work in preparation for someone who's going on vacation starting tomorrow (I'll be doing his job and I had to train someone else to do my job, and she had to train two others to do her job). I've been going out a lot. I've been working at the store every weekend. Then I started rehearsals for a show on Friday.
It was a rough weekend. I was so exhausted and lazy that I pretty much spent all Saturday morning chatting with Caroline on Facebook.
This is what happened:
Friday: Rachael goes to rehearsal:
RACHAEL'S DIRECTOR: So. I will teach you how to stage-manage for real.
Saturday: Rachael goes to work:
RACHAEL'S MANAGER: What does your January and February schedule look like?
RACHAEL: I have rehearsals every other evening at seven, though February. I am so glad to be working for you, but thinking of this makes me tired.
Sunday: Rachael goes to church to see her father sing in Christmas choir:
RANDOM CHURCH LADY: So, would you be interested in serving on our board of education?
That last one more or less sent me into hysterics. (Not real hysterics. Hysterics like going up to my dad and demanding, "DID YOU TELL SOMEONE I COULD SERVE ON THEIR BOARD????") Someone thinks I would be a valuable addition to their board! Someone thinks I have time, talent or treasure! I find all of this very amusing and terrifying! It would look great on a resume, but I literally have no time.
So I wasn't in a great mood on Monday. I was tired and grumpy and worried about rehearsal. Then I had errands to run between work and rehearsal, and somehow, by the end of the night, all my worries had just fallen away.
It was stage-managing, I think. We are doing a show called Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean (which I shall abbreviate as Jimmy Dean). It's very interesting and last night we blocked what I think is my favorite scene, a very intense one. And I like to watch the director at work, as I have never been in any kind of production with anyone but Caroline directing.
It was wonderfully quiet. It was the beautiful reassurance of having a task to do, something I knew I could do and just had to keep doing, without having to think much about it or ask anyone for help or have to spend half an hour in research. (Notice: work has been irritating lately.) It was the lovely joy of watching a play come to life in pieces, in laughing when actors say silly things.
I am still pretty shy, especially around the director, but despite being irritated with myself over it, I know I'll grow out of it.
I got some things done between work and rehearsal and then went home and wrote (I almost made my daily quota!) before going to bed. I felt wonderfully accomplished and peaceful. And I have been rethinking my schedule at the store (first want: a full weekend off; second want: adjusted Sunday hours so I don't have to run out of church anymore).
Also, there was chocolate at work today.
I've more or less given up on reading new books (I might get some more before the end of the year but probably not), and in my brain's state of collapse, I just moved back to old favorites. I started with Diana Wynne Jones' Castle in the Air (it is confusing at first, but the more I read it, the more I find it enjoyable, especially the ending), and read it in one day. (That was Saturday.) Then I moved on to The Goose Girl, only to find yesterday that it had mysteriously vanished. I am hoping I left it at the store on Sunday. Now I am on Tanith Lee's Wolf Tower, which I have always loved, but as I've been rereading it, I realized I barely remember anything. I didn't even remember that there was a Nemian.
I came home from work today and thought about getting on Google Reader, but found that all I wanted to do was lie in bed and read Wolf Tower, on this, my wonderful and beautiful last free evening for the rest of the week.
(Wolf Tower. It is so lovely. It is just weird enough and there are some wonderfully real phrases. I've tried some of Lee's other work--most notably Piratica and sequel--and didn't enjoy them half as much. I intend to reread the whole quartet--remember when quartets were still cool?--as I don't think I ever reread the final book, Wolf Wing.)
Today I made my writing quota for the first time in days (writing, but not enough, for several days in a row); I try to draw at work while waiting for files to load, but that doesn't always happen. Dishes: didn't happen today. Tomorrow, I guess. :p
I keep writing entries and then forgetting to post them. I never reviewed Entwined or wrote about The Nutcracker. It will happen! Perhaps over my glorious holiday weekend!