I now have the kind of job where a single piece of paper can make me frustrated for an entire afternoon and can send me off into ten-minute tirades. "Why would they send this to us? Who sent it to them? WE DO NOT NEED THIS. I don't want it; we already have four! I don't want to see this name anymore! What am I supposed to do with this?"
So instead of talking about today, I'm going to post something I wrote yesterday, when I was in a better mood.
I am soooo tired. It's not even about how much sleep I got (a decent amount, not great, but okay); it's about not having a break from life. It's just been constant. Originally I was going to get groceries after work, and then I realized this was the first day I'd had in more than a week where I had nothing planned after work, not even the obligation of having to contact someone about doing something the following day or getting something straightened out--NOTHING. So, really, I thought, what do I need from the grocery store that I can't get tomorrow? That answer is also nothing, and so I came home, changed my clothes, crawled into bed, checked out Google Reader, and now I am just chilling, with plans to do the dishes (I haven't done them in a week. I was getting really good about doing them and suddenly things ate my life for a solid eight or nine days and now my sink is full of dirty dishes) and to work on AEFB. Also possibly on the project I am calling Andrade, because I tend to name projects after their characters until I come up with a title. AEFB's title was already attached to its main character, so I've had that right from the start.
Yesterday I had a photoshoot and then I went to IKEA and got that bookcase I wanted. By the time I got there, all they had was white...so I got it. I'm not sure yet where I'm going to put it--I can't do a side-by-side bed-box because the colors will be off-putting, but I might try it in the hallway?
Also, I'm going to make soup tomorrow, probably (leftover turkey, if I can pry it out of my sister’s hands, and some leftover rice!), but today is all about a breakfast burrito and some leftover pumpkin icebox pie.
Comics. They are making me crazy. I've been reading
this Tumblr and it makes me want to run to the nearest comic book shop with money clenched in my fists and just throw it on the counter and go, "I WANT ALL YOUR MAGNETOS." The art isn't my favorite (my heart will always belong to the artists of the 90s, Joe Madureira, Jim Lee, the Kuberts, and Chris Bachalo), but DAMN. (Magneto? FLIRTING???? WITH A WOMAN?!?!?!?!?! I MUST OWN THEM.)
Also, books!
Today I finished reading Robin McKinley's Pegasus. It was...okay. Her work seems to have gotten very rambly lately (or maybe it's always been this way and I never noticed). I really liked Dragonhaven and I liked Chalice. This one just felt too rambly for me, like it went off on these random tangents. I liked the general premise, and as a princess enthusiast/media historian (lol what) I like the political lifestyle of this particular princess, but...it was hard to follow sometimes. Keep in mind, though, that I mostly read it at work during my lunch break, in the break room, which is often loud; it got to the point where I started wanting to take earlier breaks to beat the crowd so I could focus on my book.
Also, today I started listening to Bartimaeus: Ring of Solomon by Jonathan Stroud. Please note that his Bartimaeus trilogy is AMAZING (first book: okay; second book: great; third book: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?????) and that the third book, Ptolemy's Gate remains one of my favorites. (See desperate gasping mournful happy post-finishing review thing
here.) When I heard he'd written a prequel, I wanted to read it, but also I was skeptical. A prequel would obviously have Bartimaeus, who is pretty awesome, but it wouldn't have Nathaniel, who is also kind of cool, and it wouldn't have my favorite thing, which is Bartimaeus&Nathaniel (not slash, just awesome!). But it's actually pretty good--I like Bartimaeus. The one drawback is the rotating viewpoint, which the other books also have; I always get impatient waiting for it to get back to Bartimaeus.
I did a pass on chapter four tonight and have two hundred words left to cut in that one. (It managed to be a shorter chapter, so that's going to be rough.) Also, after at least seven rounds with chapter three, I finally eliminated 1015 words! YESSSSSS. Now dishes and then sweet sleep.