Nov 21, 2011 22:43
Soooo tired. Work is 100% crazy; I spent most of my day being very frustrated with the massive piles of paper on my desk. I didn't get to read my book at all and I didn't get home for good until 10:30 and it looks like I'm not going to get enough sleep again. Great.
-I went to see Annie at the middle school, mostly to see Emmalee and Lexie, but a LOT of other CP kids were in it. They were pretty spectacular; it made me so happy to see them and talk to them and Lexie made the caribou and rabbit signs with her hands and Jirah had tears streaming down her face. Seeing them makes me so proud and wistful and happy. Then I get "Walking on Air" stuck in my head and I think of Lexie hiding behind that half-black in the booth with me, and of arguing over which girls would play which characters in a stage play of Labyrinth while eating at Dixie, and while waiting in the hallway for them to come out I randomly thought of ITW quotes like, "He was sleeping on the ground!"
-Also, a parent of one of our alumni works at my bank. She saw me there! Then I pimped our company to a random lady sitting in front of us. There is your daily dose of WTF for today.
Now I am going to watch the Neil Gaiman episode of The Simpsons, damnit.
Edit: The Simpsons isn't available on Hulu for EIGHT DAYS after the airdate. W. T. F.