(no subject)

Apr 17, 2013 04:27

Hitting that stretch in fic where you just want to get it over with; sadly the end is still a little distance away. I think 7k words is my natural stopping point - up to 13k-ish now and it's just, ugh. Neck porn is not supposed to take this long to write.

Stuff happened at work recently. Not going to know all the ramifications until after a couple of days, probably, but sigh. Drama sucks. Will have to see how it all plays out.

Other stuff sucks, too, obvs.

On the bright side, I totally think Jonathan Toews is warming up to Brandon Saad! I don't exactly ship them, but the captain-rookie bond between them makes my eyes turn into ♥s. There was recently an instance where Saad's mistake caused a turnover at the blue line; the other team didn't score, thankfully, and after play stopped, Toews just skated up to Saad and threw an arm around him, like WE ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT THIS BUT FIRST JUST KNOW THAT IT'S OKAY. You could see that Saad was already mad at himself, but Toews and Hossa (their other, older linemate, who is totes the awesome-est and deals with people trying to rough him up by laughing in their faces) talked him through it on the bench, and the next time the same situation occurred Saad totally did the right thing.

It's just, I like Jonathan Toews for a lot of reasons, but the biggest one is that he's a great captain - there are stories of him blowing up in the locker room after an uninspired performance by the team, spurring them on to a comeback victory, but it's also that you see him doing all this little stuff on the ice, teaching his rookie, pulling another rookie away from a fight and whispering in his ear (probably about how now is not the time!) until the guy nods and skates off, hugging the goalie with another intimate ear-whispering session after a shutout, talking to the refs after the game about a blown call, not because it would affect the outcome of the game (a blowout win for the Hawks), but because his goalie was upset and wanted the refs to know it.

Just. So much love.

hockey rpf

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