Sappy porn. After making Thunder pine for Joon for ten years, it was the least I could do.
(I've never felt I was spamming a comm with fic before, unless one counts
drabble_trade. >_> A quick glance at the comm shows that my pairing has appeared in tags 43 times, and I'm already directly responsible for four of those and indirectly responsible for one more.
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But he does give off that kind of 順從、乖乖牌 vibe, which works very well for him. (This is an awful thing to say, but um, I'm pretty sure he didn't get into the group based on talent OR looks. *rollllllls* IT IS OKAY THUNDER YOU'RE IMPROVING.) Rain calls him 'maknae', too! There's this Twitter exchange where Rain's like, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAKNAE to Thunder, and G.O.'s all "...Jihoon-hyung, our maknae is Mir...", and Rain says "I know, I know, that's just what I call him!" And in that radio show I was talking to you about, they talk about how Thunder is more like the maknae because he's so quiet and babyfaced. XD; I don't think he fakes it, but it's an attitude that's worked out so well for him that he doesn't have to change it.
If I'd seen the pic of kitty!Joon before I posted this, I would have had that up instead. :((( Next time! (Whyishesoadorable.)
And Aki, you should be thankful that I didn't write the entire second sex scene as a metaphor betweeb the sea and the shore -- as in, I actually wrote it out and then decided I didn't want to go that route and scrapped it. XDDD
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