187 pages in single spaced, 7pt arial narrow. Goodness!!!! I did nothing but read popslash yesterday, and that wasn’t even starting on the BSB stories. WOOOOOOOO SeSa rocks!
The quality this year was really high, some absolutely gorgeous stories and lots that made me giggle out loud. But there wasn’t very much sex. Or not much explicit sex. Or I'm feeling kinda repressed or something unlikely. Hmm. Obviously it’s more of a year for romance. Common themes? Lots of dealing with Lance coming out, lots of the guys disfunctioning working as a team, way more TrickyNick than I would have expected and lots of lovely lovely TrickyFish. In fact - there's a real preponderance of Chris this year - which is a danceable thing.
And I've got many many many recs
here at my journal.
Congratulations to all the writers - you kick serious (and not so serious) butt.