But this is the number they GAVE ME!!!!11~!!eleventyone

Apr 13, 2005 11:17

Inspired by this post I bring to you my own wrong number tale. Fortunately, I was at home when this happened, so I didn't have to be nice. :P

Me: Innocent householder
CRN: Called wrong number, won't admit it
Phone: my poor, innocent telephone
PHCRN: Potential husband, of CRN

Phone: *ring**ring*

Me: Hello!

CRN: Ah - hello? Hello?

Me: Hello, who's calling?

CRN: Is this M****** Motorsports?

Me: No, I'm sorry you have the wrong number.

CRN: *disbelieving* This isn't M****** Motorsports?

Me: No, I'm sorry, you have the wrong number. We've gotten calls for them before, so you've probably just switched a couple of numbers. *having spent a great deal of time at a previous job answering the phone, politeness is now ingrained*

CRN: But this is the number they gave me!

Me: I'm sorry, ma'am, but we're not M****** Motorsports. You've dialed the wrong number.

CRN: *speaking veerry sloowwwlly* But this. Is. The. Number. They. Gave. Me.

Me: *getting irritated* I understand that you think this is the number they gave you, but this is a private residence. You've dialed the wrong number.

CRN: *wailing* But this is the number they gave me! I didn't dial it wrong, I know I didn't!

Me: Ma'am. You did dial it wrong. This is not M****** Motorsports. This is a private residence. It's a home.

CRN: I want to speak to your supervisor!

Me: I AM the supervisor, this is a private residence!

CRN: *reads off a number which is, indeed, my phone number* That's the number they gave me! *there is no way to reproduce in text the whininess with which 'gave me' was pronounced, unless you can imagine a forty-year-old whining like a toddler - oh, wait, you all work in CS, of course you can*

Me: Well, that is my phone number, but this isn't M****** Motorsports. You've copied it down wrong.

CRN: Well, what is the number then?

Me: How should I know? Call Directory Assistance.

CRN: But this is the number they gave me! I didn't copy it down wrong! I didn't dial it wrong!

Me: Well, you certainly dialed it correctly, as that is my phone number, but as this clearly isn't the business you want, you did, in fact, copy it down wrong. This is a private residence, not a sporting goods store.

CRN: *pause* *me imagining I hear wheels creaking* So...you don't have my boat?

Me: *facepalm* Not unless my couch has morphed in to one, in which case, I'm keeping it.

CRN: Oh. *click*

Thirty minutes later, the phone rings again, and I, bracing myself for round 2, pick up.

Me: Hello!

PHCRN: You got our boat?

Me: *strangling motions* No.

PHCRN: This ain't M****** Motorsports?

Me: No, you have the wrong number.

PHCRN: *slam!*

X-posted to customers_suck

darwin bait, stupid people, wrong numbers, darwin help!, stupidity

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