31 Horror Movies in 31 Days: Movie 27 | Annabelle

Oct 28, 2014 22:53


An antique china doll becomes the focus for a horrific and threatening entity trying to cross into our world.

Because apparently the goddamn thing wasn't creepy enough. Honestly, I have to think either everyone in this movie is nuts, or the thing doesn't look to them the way it looks to the audience because it looks evil even before it was possessed. At one point even a baby is giving it a 'no, seriously, what the fuck?' look.

It's pretty predictable - all the characters fill exactly the niches you expect them to - but you can still enjoy it. LOTS of jump scares, lots of people screaming in the theatre - yes, including me. (Might be a while before I get on an elevator - good thing there's so few tall buildings around here.) A couple of dangling plot threads I wish they'd resolved a bit more tidily, too.

31 horror movies in 31 days, horror, movies

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