Surprise, surprise, it's the First Lines Meme!
- May it be filled with joy and awesomeness, and may the inevitable bumps in the road not be too rough.
- I'm convinced of it, because I live in a house that dates from '47.
- Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer: Kitchen & Dining
- This is the first film adaptation (and a very loose adaptation it is) of Frankenstein.
- So I spent the last 20 minutes of the workday today on IM with my National-General Manager talking about Rush.
- From the frequently-referenced Joy of Cooking (1997, p. 309).
- This is my recommended movie list for this summer so far:
- ...I appear not to have recced this to everyone yet.
- All right, let's try this...
- I bring you the preview from the new Rhapsody of Fire album, Dark Wings of Steel.
- Infographic by Kristin Myers.