Apr 26, 2012 20:52
As usual while we're waiting for Fulltime Coworker 2 (the new one) to be trained on the phones, I'm covering said phones while the Admin Coworker is on her lunch. I wound up taking as many calls in an hour as she'd taken all day, including this gem:
User: Hi, I'm trying to log in and every time I do it shuts me out and says something about a diagnostic.
Me: That's not one of our error messages. Is this only happening when you try to log in to [site]?
User: Yes.
Me: Alright, do you have a more specific error message?
User: Well no, not right now. I closed it out.
Me: OK, I'll get you to log back in again so you can get the error back, please.
User: Oh, I'm not in front of that computer right now.
Me: *Then why are you - oh, I give up.* Can you get to the computer?
User: No, but I can use the one that's right here. *she does* Should I login or register? I don't have an account.
Me: Yes, you need to create an account before you can log in.
User: OK, so I just fill all this out...I want to stay on the phone with you just in case. *I stay, because I know what she's describing wasn't a login error. Also, no average handle time!* It happened again.
Me: Does it display the error message?
User: Yes.
Me: ...
User: ...
Me: What does it say?
User: 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage' and below that it has the error message.
She starts to read of the instructions for diagnosing why IE can't display the page: I stop her. [site] doesn't work well on IE9, so my next step is to determine her browser version. I walk her through finding the 'About Internet Explorer' screen with surprisingly little difficulty and determine she's using IE 8. Strange. I test on my copy of IE 8 (having previously tested using Chrome just to make sure the site was functioning) and it works. If it was the cookies, I'd expect it to just not log her in, so I'm puzzled until she comes out with this:
User: Do you think maybe my workplace is blocking me from using job sites to apply for work?
Well yes. Yes I do think maybe your current workplace doesn't want you to apply for other jobs on their time. *sigh* She's going to try again tonight when she gets home. I'm sure there'll be no issue at all.