May 19, 2011 09:02
At last! It's been raining, grey, and MISERABLE for about - well, the entire month of May and last 2 weeks of April. Feels like forever. I woke up this morning and actually wandered around for about five or ten minutes blinking and being confused before I realized what it was. ("The clock says 7:45. But it's so LIGHT! It MUST be later than - ohhhh!")
Checked the herb garden yesterday. The mint is making a concerted effort to take over, and I fear it is headed towards the compost pile, there to engage in battle with the weeds and grape vines. I may become some sort of minty plant zombie if it wins, but at least I'll smell good. The chives are also up, and the grape vines have budded. The soil is still sodden so I can't DO anything yet (there's getting muddy, and then there's sinking never to be seen again), but soon.
Two of the lilac bushes at the back broke under the weight of the snow drifts, but they seem to be surviving. The random crabapple tree has not only survived, but seems to be thriving and is about 3 feet tall now.
Time to start the vegetable garden soon!
Edit: So distracted by pretty pretty sun I forgot to get coffee! Though I'm buzzed enough from getting actual LIGHT that that may have been a good thing. Hindsight will tell...