I was finally able to do some gardening today, including clearing the back beds of last year's dead plants. I also dug up the soil for the vegetable bed a bit, to get a feel for it, and added two lovely fat worms, shiny with health, to my compost. Go get fatter, little guys!
I also took a lot of pictures, though sadly wasn't able to get one of the enormous bee that hangs around my yard. I thought I had some video footage of him climbing around in the grass, but because of the glare on the camera screen, I ended up getting some sort of weird insect-view Blair Witch Project thing instead. Shoot.
Pics are behind the cut.
A really cheap composter. Buy a $10 black garbage can, and drill holes in it.
It's sort of a tease for the birds, isn't it?
These are planted in a row along the back of the property. It wasn't until Friday I realized they were flowering. When we moved in, they were sticks.
A close-up of the flowers. I think they might be a variety of lilac?
Grape vines! I wonder if I can make stuffed grape leaves.
A variety of pansy, that we called Jolly-Jack-Jump-Ups when I was a kid. I don't know what their real name is.
I didn't know there was a garden here until things started to bloom. Then, I took a closer look, and realized what it had been...and will be again.
These are actually in my lawn, not in the beds surrounding the house. I can't say I object: a lawn of flowers is cooler than grass any day.
More pansies.
Most of the tulips we have are red.
The grape vine from further away, growing up from what will be the vegetable garden.
Stripey tulips! I only have two so far, but man are they cool!
One of my absolute favourites. I can't believe it turned out so well!
The wild strawberries, the purple mystery flowers, and the pansies, are all waging war on the grass.
Another of my absolute favourites.