(no subject)

Nov 29, 2007 14:41

Slightly FUBAR-ed my interviews with Exxon today by going to the wrong damn building. This is what happens when you have your business spread out across three buildings, rather than commandeering one. People like me forget their directions on the kitchen table and get confused. But I got to the right spot in the end, and did my three interviews. Not sure how it'll go, because it's for their Internal Helpdesk, and I can tell you right now that there are people FAR more qualified than I for it.

But what I did get to do was finally get a skills profile set up with the staffing agency Exxon uses. Previous recruiters had hemmed and hawed and "Well, you've only done customer service, therefore you cannot possibly possess marketable skills"-ed me, but as part of the application process with Exxon, you must register with the staffing agency and take their testing. I spent a couple hours or so doing the tests, then fetched the receptionist to take a look at my scores.

"Oh, my God!" she says, "These are the highest I've ever seen!"

So. Boo on you, previous experiences. I've got a skills profile filled with 'Excellents' and 'Proficients' and 'Experts' and a typing speed of 90wpm with a 1% error rate set up with a major staffing agency. That ought to trigger a few hours here and there. Nyah.

Plus, the non-call-center job that got back to me says I'm still shortlisted, and if employment doesn't work out, I think I'll go back to college. Lots of plans. I just prefer the ones that, y'know, make me money now.

job hunting, job search

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