Jun 10, 2004 20:26
I've heard that Goku trained in the odd pocket
dimention of the Sky Palace that allows a year to pass
in just one of our days when he was a kid. This was
Kami-sama's preparation for the revival of Piccolo,
right? After Goku had killed the Demon King and met
Kami-sama for the first time.
I know that the room can only be used by two people at
once. That is why Goku & Gohan and Vegeta & Trunks
each trained in pairs when the threat of Cell first
loomed and in preparation for the Cell Games so that
they could attempt to surpass the level of Super
Saiya-jin to defeat the cyborgs and Cell (with Piccolo
getting some time in during the latter). If not, I
believe that all of the Z Senshi would have trained in
there. Imagine, if Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks,
Piccolo, Krillin, Tenshinhan and Yamucha had all
trained in there at once during the full time given,
they would gained a much larger chance of surviving
the Cell Games. I'm not sure why that limitation is
in place. Perhaps it was because of a limit on the
power of the Kamis of the past who created it. Or
perhaps it was a safety precaution on their own
person, to prevent huge groups of people from seeking
it out.
But I had thought that there was a conflicting element
when it was next used, in the Buu Saga. But after
some thinking, I realise that there really is no such
conflict. When Goten and Trunks are training in
there, time does pass as extremely fast as it should.
However, after Piccolo leads Buu in, time in the room
suddenly slows down to our pace (the destruction of
the door by Piccolo and the holes in the dimentional
wall by Buu and Gotenks are proof of this) as the
effects are felt outside with the same time
difference. So, once there were more than two present
in the room, the accelerated time stopped working, the
safety limits coming into effect.
Any thoughts?