OOC: Permissions

Sep 05, 2011 18:16

✝ Permissions ✝

In Supernatural canon Michael is the third most powerful creature in the universe (at least until Season 6) so he needs a permissions post so I can know what's okay to do and know. I'd appreciate it if you could fill this out for me.


permissions, !ooc

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vw_coyote September 20 2011, 17:59:23 UTC
[Mun:] Cat
[Character(s):] thelittlestbub
[Can he know your character's name before being told?]

For all but Byakuya, yes. Talk to them, they're used to it.

[Are your character(s) human or something else? Can he sense it?]

Jubilee and Kevin: They're mutants. Meaning humans with powers. Sense away! (But don't give away their powers, or they'll get paranoid on you and that's not good.)
Mercy: She's a walker and can turn into a coyote at will. Gabe knows, so feel free.
Kuchiki: SHINIGAMI HO. Yes, he can know.

[Can he know about your character(s) history by looking into their eyes? If yes then how much? (You can just give me a link to their app if you're okay with him knowing all of it.)]

Jubilee - Please don't mention the crucifixion in public. She will try to blow him up.



Kuchiki - I only ask that Hisana is not mentioned in public.

[Is there something specific you don't want him to know about your character?]

He can know all of it about all of them. However, please don't mention the certain things in public (mentioned above). Also, M-Day (if you're familiar with it). PLEASE DONT MENTION THAT.

[Michael can appear almost anywhere he wants unless a place has been fortified against angels. Is it okay for him to appear wherever your character might be or would you rather have permission on a case-by-case situation. (I will never threadjack an In Person thread without permission.)]

The HoA - where Jubilee lives - is fortified against Angels. (Thanks Sam and Chuck and Castiel)

For the others? Bop right on in!

[Is there anything else I should know? Concerns or questions for me?]

Nope! Any questions, I'll gladly answer :D


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