Home home on the raaaaaaaaaange....

Feb 07, 2007 15:43

Oooooook, so some news which has made my day - my friend Amy who moved down to Bristol to get away from all things Edinburgh, has slyly moved back up and is working on princess st!!
We're going for a drink friday, I have so much to tell her, not least my recent drama for she is my most un-judgy friend and also likes Gin as much as I do, so it'll be cathartic to chat. Also, I'm sure she has some fun stories to tell.

Speaking of gin, my dad and I got through a 75cl bottle of Gordons last night (well I did most of it, he only started on the gin when he'd finished his beer and whiskey) and got munchies at 1am so had cheese on toast and pasta. It was awesome. Watching flags of our fathers and chatting about his army stories. My dad is SO my hero, its very soppy.

Going home to edin on friday now, have booked megatrain tickets :)
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