Thoughts while with him.

Feb 27, 2010 04:42

What strives conviction but a passion? And what is passion but an intense love? So is love for another but the highest conviction one could hold to? (I will come back to this)

In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God: Christianity is a religion of Love -- is God's word "Love"? Does he not have complete love for His creations?

Freedom reminds me of a jar of water evaporated into thin air. Eventually these molecules attach to something and become water again. Freedom is an illusion. We all must attach ourselves to something in order that we may become whole again and not simply parts, divided, lost and separated from one another. Becoming one again, grounding ourselves, flowing downwards into the body of water that calls us and flowing within it is true freedom. It is order.

Trust: c.1200, from O.N. traust "help, confidence,"
Why are all my walls down with him?
I will elaborate on these thoughts (I do this a lot).

How dangerous is jealousy? My pangs shoot through my heart, down every inch of my body. Never have I felt so protective of someone before. Will this eventually be my destruction? How much can I take before the pangs turn into explosions and I burst? He is too good for me, I am sure of this. This makes the pangs all the more unbearable.

I need more LJ friends. I feel as though I'm writing for the air.
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