Jan 28, 2005 18:07
I always wanted to name of my daughters Kiley...we shall see if that happens. My I'll cut a deal with my hubby that I can name the girls and he can name the boys, unless his names are retarded...haha knowing my luck I'll have ALL BOYS! But that would suck because I hate boys, haha oh I'm just joking...sort of:)
SO! I'm really glad that this week is over. It's been one of the worst ones in a while. So starting tonight we'll see how things go! I really wanna go dancing tonight...hopefully! It might be weird tho cause like every other time I'd go to Stone, I'd have a boyfriend with me, haha so hmmm to get on randoms guys or not...? I was talking to Denise and her son that she keeps trying to hook me up with used to go there...so I asked her what he was doing tonight and she called him and said I might go to Stone. Apparently he's had a few fallings out with the owner, so he doesn't go there anymore. But he said to call him later....lol gawsh, this is ridiculous. So I'm thinking I WON"T call him. He parties and gets high and crap...I don't really need that shit anymore. Just once I'd like to get spacier than an astronaut, and make out with people I don't know or love....(kinda from a song) Haha still, I wonder if that'd be fun..?
I want to be famous, I just decided. Problem is, I don't do anything that'll get me famous. SO, I'll just have to work on that.
Work went by really fast...but I kept thinking about things I'd rather not. I'm just too tired of all that. I wish I was Buffy....just kidding! One of the ladies I work with was talking to me about her divorse from a couple years back...and she's like still in love with the guy....oh gaw, sometimes things are just so weird.
So I owe my parents like about 400 dollars right now...and I paid them 200 from this paycheck...so hopefully I'll be all done by the next paycheck. Haha my cousin just said not to piss off a ghetto person...in reference to the attempted shooting at school on wednesday. That was funny. Why is everyone so messed up. I want the world to be full of puppies and rainbows and shit like that...not everyone BUSTIN CAPS IN EVERYONE ELSES ASSSES!!! *sigh*
i just want things to be like they used to...i think, at least I do at the moment.