Apr 05, 2009 03:30
- 09:07 just got pushed under the bus by @butcherbandanna in class. Didn't even hear it coming. Thanks! #
- 13:20 @ hAMBERguesas Wow, what does your iPhone do for you? :D #
- 13:21 @ hAMBERguesas w00t for Firefox <3! #
- 13:22 @ mileycyrus In Tweetdeck www.tweetdeck.com there are simple buttons to reply, retweet, etc. On the Twitter site, click the left arrow #
- 13:22 @ hAMBERguesas Not right now, but I can be. You on? #
- 13:24 @ hAMBERguesas K, I'm on, but it's weird. Am getting a chat room full error. But, I am on. :D #
- 13:55 has managed to survive class this weekend. Am really enjoying having music on the iPod again! Going cold turkey after 5+ years is TOUGH! #
- 13:57 @ hAMBERguesas Yeah, until iPhones cook dinner and/or get a 120 GB capacity I am going to pass on 'em...for now. #
- 13:59 @ mickanger Amen to that brother! #
- 13:59 @ Landru66 Hey, me too! Sweeeet! #
- 14:01 @ rance That monkey gets me every time! Also that Rock 'n' Roll Martian song... @_@ #
- 14:02 @ cluv I wonder how much Nick's chin influenced the design for Peter Griffin. Hm, best not to think on it too much. #
- 14:09 @ markhoppus Hey, if that happened at least you've met your annual spider ingestion quota. #
- 14:11 @ hamberguesas twitpic.com/227kj - More points for it, if it had been a liger. #
- 14:13 @ ladiesgaming Twitpic it for opinions? #
- 14:16 @ levarburton That. Is. AWESOME! #
- 14:18 @ neonbubble Ah bummer! There isn't a RIffTrax for it yet. #
- 14:22 @ hAMBERguesas ZOMG, Scene It?! My family refuses to play that with me 'cause I can lap them on the board. Or they're just really bad at it. #
- 14:26 @ hAMBERguesas Sure don't played it on borrowed family one and the normal board game one. They will be in today, not sure if they brought it. #
- 14:30 @ hAMBERguesas An hour seems like forever! Seen this yet? andrewdickman.deviantart.com/art/The-MST3K-Animated-Wallpaper-91996054 #
- 14:33 @ neonbubble tru.dat Enjoy! Well, riffing it at least! #
- 14:36 @ hAMBERguesas Sweet. Well, I'm out to enjoy some of the day. Will probably try to watch some more MST3K later. #
- 14:38 thought he was going out for a bit, but was mistaken. I do, however, believe that sushi is on the menu for this evening. Life is good. #
- 14:40 @ poetmom I would agree. Being a cat that could operate a remote control would be a bonus for me. #
- 14:41 @ hAMBERguesas Haven't braved making my own. Can make the rice though. So, heading out here in a bit: www.tsunamisushi.us/ #
- 14:47 @ gnatty I have named it iPod Therefore iAm (and yup, I picked black). Have to TwitPic it some time. Also, have added 2 Lady Gaga songs! :D #
- 14:53 @ LindseySchaal Wow. I have no words where normally I would have so many. #
- 14:56 @ LindseySchaal Craiglslist is such a great source of entertainment. Had forgotten how useful it was for that. :D #
- 14:59 @ LindseySchaal He's very specific about his roses? Or learned English from the cast of Worwilf...warwelf...um, Werewolf. #
- 15:01 @ hAMBERguesas 'Cause they can find your address on Tweetie/Twitterfon? I do wish that the non-MST3K bots would not follow me. :\ #
- 15:06 @ hAMBERguesas Hm...is it possible to be both, though? Those terms seem to be mutually exclusive, no? #
- 15:10 @ hAMBERguesas You FTW! But you're in a class all your own with your MST3K and Xbox <3 and all. :D #
- 15:11 @ LindseySchaal NSFW and life, really. I would be curious to see how many responses he got. #
- 15:13 @ hAMBERguesas That's good policy. But I get drawn to the celebrity ones for some odd reason. Ok, heading out to feed now. Later! #
- 16:55 twitpic.com/2ty3i - is enjoying dessert. No sushi though. D: #
- 18:51 @ gnatty LOL! You & Lady Gaga FTW! #
- 18:56 @ gnatty Sadly, the 160 GB models were disco'd a while back. So, 120 GB will do. I really liked my time with an old Zen too. Great player! #
- 18:57 @ hAMBERguesas It was pretty good, but I am still craving sushi. I will have to reschedule a sushi rendezvous soon. #
- 18:58 @ poetmom IKR??!! Oh yeah, being able to operate a desktop/laptop would be handy as well. #
- 19:07 @ hAMBERguesas IKR??! JS, FWIW. I C WHT U mean...ok, ouch my brain hurts now. #
- 19:10 @ markhoppus You just described most of my life--except replace iPhone with a book. People don't get someone that doesn't know sports. #
- 19:11 @ hAMBERguesas You've gotten me to read Spanish again. I need to practice doing so. #
- 19:12 @ hAMBERguesas CRAZEE like Prince partying down like it's 1999? #
- 19:17 @ legalhooker Yeah, that was a major bummer. Come, join us at www.justin.tv/thesynth #
- 19:29 @ legalhooker I think so--I read about a cease and desist regarding. The link I provided is up and showing a Hercules MST3K episode right now #
- 19:31 @ jagbella Well, it IS Belladonna after all. #
- 19:45 @ jimmyfallon If only they realized the power of twitter. FAIL on their part! #
- 20:09 @ kitanaor Mmmm! I think Morrissey would secretly agree with this. :D #
- 21:37 @ gnatty Not sure, but I was :( about it. #
- 21:44 @ janalynn99 Say what? Where does 42 as the answer fit in though? Or does it not? #
- 22:01 @ hAMBERguesas Whoa, he cyber-hugged you? .: bows :. #
- 22:04 @ hAMBERguesas Well, in my mind it IS him. So, there we are. Yes, I am simple. #
- 22:12 @ hAMBERguesas Bowing like Mike and the 'bots during MST3K: The Movie! (and doing Servo's chant too) :D #
- 22:17 @ hAMBERguesas Cool. I have yet to achieve Expert skills. Medium and some Hard but that's about it. I have RB envy. D: #
- 22:45 @ hamberguesas twitpic.com/2ulka - Ah. Where the magic happens? Or something. #
- 23:11 @ rance Come on over to www.justin.tv/thesynth right now it's Clue, but most of the time it's MST3K. #
- 23:37 @ hAMBERguesas I have somehow managed to teach my users to reboot first, then see if their problem is resolved. Not sure how I did that. #
- 23:51 @ hAMBERguesas SO annoying! Want me to kneecap 'em anonymously for you? #
- 00:34 thinks it's time to call it a night when his eyes start seeing things that could not possibly be (kind of like in Videodrome). Trippy man! #
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