Apr 02, 2009 03:30
- 09:28 @ BillCorbett My day is made again--I just read I complete you. Oh... .: sulks :. #
- 09:30 loves seeing the different website "enhancements" on April Fool's Day. Sometimes, it takes me a bit longer to get it, though. Sometimes. #
- 09:47 doesn't like, however, seeing a 502 Bad Gateway error message when going to TwitPic. No sir, DON'T like it! More funny odd, not funny haha. #
- 10:42 has had two days of MST3K related tweets! Today's gonna be a GOOD day! RT @BillCorbett: @ServerMonkey You, in particular, complete me. #
- 10:46 @ L_A_DoubleDutch Hey, don't forget Cinematic Titanic, The Film Crew and live MST3K (which will never come to my area, but still). :D #
- 10:48 @ KarlysK Don't forget to check out www.justin.tv/thesynth (if you haven't already). Talk about time killers for sure! #
- 10:53 @ MrShannonBurke I like seeing what Shannon Burke sees. 'Tis a good thing! #
- 10:57 @ BillCorbett Am now having Robert Loggia on Family Guy flashbacks! "It's spelled R as in Robert Loggia. O as in OH my God, it's Robert..." #
- 10:58 @ kwmurphy Onomatopoeia is a word that doesn't get it's fair share of use. No and stop get a lot of use already, so disregard those. #
- 11:47 twitpic.com/2oj44 - loves having a library nearby #
- 12:16 @ freddurst Was the RT (retweet) explained to you? If not, I'll be glad to 'splain. #
- 12:18 @ iamdiddy Would being excellent to one another be okay as well? #
- 12:20 is being creeped out by Midnight Bayou. Yes, Rachel is watching it. As such, I have to as well. Jerry O'Connell should get another series. #
- 12:26 @ BBBaumgartner Sweet, but now I have to listen to that duet between Willie and Julio Iglesias. So, thanks I guess? #
- 12:30 @ sarahlane Ew, with mint jelly and everything. Tried lamb a couple of times. Really not baaaaad per se, but not my faaaavorite. #
- 12:35 @ SBKLIVE Surely, it can't. Can it? Say it ain't so. Watch, it'll be a huge April Fool's episode. Nothing tonight will be "real." #
- 12:39 @ SBKLIVE Hm...a freckles-centric episode is okay by me. Wouldn't mind more Juliet, though. #
- 12:40 @ perezhilton Pretty soon Screech is going to wake up with a horse's head in his bed. Or a lesser SBtB cast member's one. #
- 12:41 @ trvsbrkr Stick with that--please avoid eating others' brains though. Zombie Blink-182 on tour would be something to see though. #
- 13:00 @ sarahlane When were you put up for sale, though? #
- 13:02 @ RussRollins I thought the people going alone but acting like they came together thing was reserved for "adult" type movies. #
- 13:13 @ janalynn99 NGL I, for one, have ALWAYS known tangerine Speedos are a huge no-no for me. Just sayin'. #
- 13:17 is preparing to head out to the Nickelodeon Family Suites in a moment. Hoping to try out some fondue tonight as well. Yea for spring break! #
- 15:04 twitpic.com/2orbf - is in line to check in. It's packed! #
- 16:34 @ L_A_DoubleDutch I'm a HUGE MST3K fan. Have finally gotten around to getting sets on DVD after getting some via DAP. Mind an add? #
- 16:36 @ KarlysK Glad to help. I mean, er, enable. #
- 16:37 is always glad to have a free connection at places we stay--and especially glad to be able to use my own laptop, too. Now heading out. #
- 16:41 @ L_A_DoubleDutch You have a tatoo as well? ZOMG! Awesomeness in a box for sure! I cannot wait for MST3K XV. Big Stupid on demand FTW! #
- 16:47 @ brookeburke This is totally and completely awesome. Children absolutely love this kind of thing. You rock! #
- 16:47 @ L_A_DoubleDutch No. Sorry, I sure don't. I've never gotten ink. I do have MST3K tatoo envy though. Is that ok? #
- 16:49 @ L_A_DoubleDutch I found it awesome that YOU had said tatoo. #
- 16:53 @ L_A_DoubleDutch So, have I mentioned www.justin.tv/thesynth to you? MST3K for most of the day & one cheesy movie from time to time. #
- 19:50 @ markhoppus That tweet totally reminded me or TV Funhouse featuring the animated Mr. T show. #
- 19:54 @ jagbella That. Was. Awesome! If I had been able to be connected when I was in class, I would have FAILED. Hope you don't mind a follow. #
- 20:01 @ ladiesgaming Awesome, hope you get the job. I missed out on a QA tester job with EA Tiburon a few years back. They called me & me = FAIL. #
- 20:11 twitpic.com/2p6vt - will be swimming here tomorrow. #
- 21:21 @ ThisIsRobThomas My wife and I share your sentiment. In fact, we were just talking about it. Talk about synchronicity like from the Matrix. #
- 21:22 @ rgc09 For Castleton! #
- 21:23 @ darthcorrie Must have been a recalled one with episodes that weren't cleared through proper channels? #
- 21:50 has just finished staring open-jawed at Lady GaGa. Clearly, I am getting old. Was she emulating a DC universe villain? #
- 22:11 @ L_A_DoubleDutch Lady Gaga FTW! I could only dream of pulling off some of the stuff she wears. As such, I am cursed with poor fashion burden #
- 22:13 @ jagbella Fear is the mind killer, I must not fear. To be honest, fear has been an integral part of my life. Wish I could live like you said #
- 22:14 @ janalynn99 That. Is. Awesomeness. To. The. Nth. Degree! #rickastley #
- 22:18 @ janalynn99 Nope. It knows no bounds. I don't know how I have managed to live life in this way. #
- 22:20 @ jagbella LOL. Well, I certainly feel better to be sure. Perhaps I should consult the fifth graders I work with for some insight? #
- 22:21 @ ThisIsRobThomas Didn't Otis Redding have that superpower too? #
- 22:22 @ BillCorbett My last job wanted me to exploit my core competencies. Apparently flinging poo did not go over well. Who knew? #
- 22:23 @ L_A_DoubleDutch Yet she can wear the things she wears. I had a friend in H.S. who could do that. He was amazing. #
- 22:24 @ jagbella My fifth graders have taught me a bunch this year. I <3 them to put it mildly. Will post my findings after spring break this week. #
- 22:31 @ janalynn99 Doh! I have fears of doing this kind of thing myself. #
- 22:33 @ jagbella Aw, thanks! You've made my night (Twight? I'm bad with these twitter words). #
- 22:33 @ janalynn99 Oh good! Whew. #
- 22:36 would like one of these: www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/tauntaun.html Rachel has already vetoed it. Le sigh. Via @hansolo #nerd #
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