Mar 29, 2009 03:30
- 08:03 is beginning the break by watching a little bit of MST3K's Werewolf. Woo! #
- 08:48 @ gnatty EEP! @_@ #
- 09:42 is done with MST3K for now and off for the park and perhaps read a bit more of Inside Star Trek. Oh yeah, and need to read Street Gang too. #
- 13:44 @ ProfTim Wow. That was fast. #
- 13:55 @ trvsbrkr Uh, wow. That's pretty bad even by my already low standards. #
- 13:56 @ alyankovic No pressure, there are only 19000 or so of us out there lurking to see what you write next. #
- 13:57 @ moonfrye A survivalist? #
- 13:58 @ gnatty R.I.P. George Peppard...well, not now I suppose. He's spinning right? #
- 14:08 @ alex_emmm My condolences, mine just died after quite a few years of constant use. The loss of 10,000 songs hurts, too. #
- 14:12 @ gnatty Face, perhaps? #
- 14:14 wonders if Tweetdeck can be set up to display the Twitter public timeline. Haven't found a way via my current searches. GIS FAIL. D: #
- 14:17 is now wondering if "cautiously optimistic " is going to be a phrase that begins to get more use over the next few months or longer. #
- 15:09 @ ProfTim Do I get an assist for that one? #
- 15:14 forgets how loud the Space Shuttle boom is upon reentry. Was wondering what Rachel, Abby and Jon were doing out there. Then I realized. DUH! #
- 15:39 @ ProfTim Yeah, I was all like ZOMG! The alien motherships from V just entered the atmosphere! Actually that would be louder, huh? #
- 15:39 @ ProfTim I always get that one mixed up with the Chumscrubber. Almost stopped at Big Lots! today. Almost. #
- 15:53 @ amber_benson - I don't know, I think the flat looking frog breed is pretty creepy! #
- 15:55 thinks it's a good thing that Amber Benson has a Twitter! See? Here: or @amber_benson if you prefer. #
- 16:09 is a couple of days behind and didn't realize Blender Magazine is no more. Apparently, no one really cared anyway. #
- 17:04 @ chrispirillo "What's in the BOX???!!!" You know someone had to tweet this. #
- 17:18 has gotten his Gmail inbox down to 11 messages. If only it were the work inbox. Also, why am I thinking about this during break? #
- 17:23 @ tori_vixen Alton rules! Haven't read those yet, but I have to say I was ecstatic to discover he had worked with R.E.M. on The One I Love! #
- 18:18 @ roncritchfield Ask him if he would like you to be his brown bear. #
- 18:20 @ Sparkly_Sushi Absolutely! I believe that is the general consensus. Well, it should be anyway. #
- 18:22 just grilled a steak for dinner. While doing so, saw a wasp that seemed to be having roll, pitch and yaw control trouble. #
- 18:23 @ nebsllim Buddy, you couldn't ignore me if you tried. You can try if you'd like--but you'll see. #
- 18:26 @ roncritchfield Aw. :D Enjoy your meal, you all! #
- 18:50 @ freddurst And done! #
- 18:54 says, "Whoa whoa whoa--Kelly Clarkson is in concert nearby tonight?!" FAIL. Would've been all like, "AH, Kelly CLARKSON!" like Steve Carell. #
- 18:55 @ mrskutcher Clearly, however, Dorothy Parker was WAY OFF BASE in your case. Just sayin'. #
- 19:47 @ seanyoughal Which flavor? I tried Ubuntu, SLAX, DSL, Linspire, a couple of others. Definitely wish I had more time to tinker with it. #
- 20:16 @ markhoppus One of the drawbacks of time travel, to be sure. Just take care of your oscillation overthruster and you'll be okay. #
- 21:58 @ BenevolentRobot Hop on over to It's fun! Won't you? #
- 22:07 @ jeffm_stark Bob Johnson! #
- 22:46 @ AnnPeek Sounds like a good plan to me! #
- 00:31 has found a fix for his prematurely pronounced dead iPod. Hard drive seems fine. New iTunes is NOT. Recovery loop error over, I think. #
- 01:13 guessed wrong. Still no iPod joy. Kind of bummed out about it, yet again. #
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