You like me, you really like me

Apr 04, 2006 10:51

Thanks all for the warm welcome to LJ. I'm still stumbling through figuring this whole thing out. I'm sure my journal will take on various incarnations until I find something I'm reasonably happy with. There's scads of stuff I don't know how to do; but maybe in his copious amounts of spare time(tm), The Husband will provide some tech support for me.

As you can see, I am awake. Actually have been since about 9:15am, when The Girl declared her need to change her pull-up. She removed said item, wiped with wet wipe, and then slathered herself with Desitin (yes, she can do all this, but, Heavens no, just don't ask her to use The Potty). I coaxed another pull-up on and she happily put in a Thomas the Tank Engine video. She is currently munching on a Pop-Tart (Strawberry Milkshake flavor, just in case you're wondering) and watching Frosty Returns. Yes, it's April; but, frankly, I'm surprised she hasn't watched it more frequently. It was regular viewing material for The Boy when he was her age.

As for work, last night was slow, but I had 8 tables total and most of them were rather pleasant to wait on. There was a lady there who I thought I may have waited on before, but she was with a different companion than usual. I always vacillate on calling attention to recognizing a repeat guest. OTOH, they might act all mortified that I'm on to them because they're at the restaurant so often. OTO, the reaction is more of a "I'm flattered you bothered to remember me" nature. This woman's (I'll call her Sally) first response was while giggling nervously, "Why, yes, I have been here before with 'insert name of friend here'. Wow, is it -that- obvious>" It was more of a happy shocked than righteous indignation. Then she went into how good the food is when she comes to the restaurant and she just had to bring "new friend" with her. While reviewing the check, she then points out to "new friend" how inexpensive the meal was for how good it tasted I got the highest tip out of her out of the past three times waiting on her. I think it had more to do with "new friend's " presence, because, quite honestly "old friend" is a bit of a bitch. But maybe I'm just reading her wrong. I've been working on trying to give people more credit.

Pardon the Quartz cross-post, but Sunday night the GM and another manager asked me to take on additional responsibilities at the restaurant. I will now be going to training on this Thursday and Friday to learn how to train new employees. I've been warned that this training is rather dry. It will essentially be 6 1/2 hours of my life that I'm not getting back. I might as well make the most of it. OTOH, I will no longer have my low-key, low-stress serving tables job. OTO, let's face it, after my first few weeks there I no longer had my low-key, low-stress serving tables job. I don't know what is inherent in my personality to not allow me to just do something mindless. Somehow, management has picked up on the fact that my work-ethic will not allow me to consciously do anything half-assed. Well, at least it will look good on the resume.

restaurant, home life

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