Happy New Year peoples.

Jan 01, 2008 23:41

Going up to Atlanta has always kind of freshened my perspective on things. It just sucks so bad to leave and be in fucking Statesboro all over again afterwards.

New Years was a blast and so was the entire weekend leading up to it. Saw a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a minute and some who I hadn't seen longer than that. Didn't get to see everyone I wanted to catch up with but the friends I WAS with more than made up for that.

Spent all day today sleeping in a bit late and then walking around Atlanta for hours ending up at the Georgia Aquarium (which is pretty cool) and ending up the night freezing our nuts off and getting a bite to eat at Six Feet Under (delicious).

So, if you were there, had an awesome time. If you weren't, ya should'a been, dammit.

Catch all you folk another day.
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