Apr 04, 2005 22:37
so, i haven't been online in quite some time. not for more than the nine seconds it takes to feed my curiosity with strange searches, anyway. life has been great. a lot going on, but i'm having the effing time of my life. uhh...i got a guitar for my birthday. i take sats may 7th. driving soon. SUNSHINE. no more metal on my teeth after wednesday. etc...being alive is more than exciting.
oooooh, i pre-ordered the new NIN cd. and i'm excited. cody got me a demo of some of the songs offline. and they make me cream myself. i need a new bottle of lotion. well, those two statements are really not correlated at all. i need the lotion because i get dry elbows. lol.
anyway, important things: i'm wearing one black sock with scary faces on it, and one gray and blue sock that squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezes my foot in the middle. my right foot...is the most comfortable right foot...in existence. speaking of existence, i read this very awesome book by stephen hawking. yeah, you can call me a dork. but i have never been so fascinated by a damn black hole in my life.
speaking of lives, i got a tarantula. and he's going to live for approximately twenty years. RAD. :) his name is masrick. he's the size of my palm. and he's got red knees. :) he crawls on me. and eats crickets. and doesn't try to kill me or mar me with his insanely spidery capabilities. i SO miss second grade show and tell. but i always wanted current events to simply go away. woah, the pope died. nuts, man. i was discussing with mr josh that david bowie should become pope. simply because he would rock that hat like you have never before seen it rocked. androgeny and unforgettably disastrous teeth would contribute to the catholic lifestyle.
speaking of music, in the last few days i've written my best song so far. now, i realize that is not saying a whole lot. but it's exciting for me, so eff you. i need to talk to laura about playing with her again soon. maybe this time i won't be so damn nervous singing in front of ms. allison. but i suppose that there would be something missing if i didn't fuck up at least eight times. i wrote the song a different way originally...and then a second way. and took parts of the first way and made it into somewhat of a harmony. i like accidents. when they sound pretty. which is not too often.
ooooooooooh, smiiiiiile. allison's dancing and singing and being patty-lynn in the TJ smile thingy production dealy. so, you should go see her speak in the greatest southern accent ever, wear amazing eighties clothing, and sing gorgeously.
alright, i have a ringing phone to answer...