Thanks lots for those who commented on those entries; really, it means much to me. I'm sorry for making everyone worry and all;;; I felt like a bother. But I guess things are getting a teeny bit better... ._.;; The OT6, Mandy, and everyone made me feel better. :3
IRL too: At first at school, I was pretty emotionless. But then... My friends and -sorta?- classmates (and even teachers... D8;) made me feel a bit better. I felt oldly speshul. (No joke lol) |3;; So yeah... I felt alot better than the past few days.
Thanks much; I'd really like to give really special hugs and ♥♥♥! for those who are feeling... Let's say... Not so stable; I'd like to give them my words and encouragement directly but, I'm still a bit unstable myself (but not worse as others) to do so... .__.;;;;;
Half of me wishes to stay in school, half of me wants homeschool. D: It's probably my problem with homework and such and waking up early that makes me dislike school. (Not to mention the boys sorry to say...) And parents and all... But yeah... D: Again, I'd thank you all. I love you guys lots. :3
Yeah, going on a Hiatus also. I won't really get a chance to comment on your journals much during the time;;; Sorry for that. I'm going on one because I need to catch up with school work and turn in my things. Plus I do not want my interent to be canceled next month. So I'm gonna work my hardest the next week or two so my parents won't cancel it. Even if AOL does suck, I MUST HAVE THE INTERENT. WHY? Because if no interent... I won't be able to talk to my lovely
friends at all. D: It would seriously be sad for me to part with everyone. Every one of you are very very very lovely and so awesome in your own way. ;~;
And it has lead me to do whatever it takes, I MUST IMPROVE MY GRADES AND GO TO SCHOOL.
Whether I like it or not. D:
I might be able to come on for a little bit during my hiatus, but not long enough to get to everyone's journals and comment and all. D: But I'll try to get to them, and I'll mostly be on the messengers if I do get to get on.
So, see everyone soon okay? I'll miss you lots. Lots of hugs and ♥!
Wish me luck!♥♥
Edit; 12:12AM// Also... 8D;; For those who haven't seen or are new to my flist, would you like to be in the filter? |3; who would want to be if it is I |D;; So I don't bother anyone and such. 83;;