Jun 07, 2007 21:42

I'm very sorry. BUT. I. MUST. NOW. D: I'm sorry I haven't gotten to all of my flists entries... ;_; I feel really bad... I hope to make it up to you somehow.

Since Promotion is coming up, I don't really have time. ;_; I'm a bit unstable at the moment --- Not to mention a Field trip Saturaday... I won't be on Friday or Saturday. I'm going to sleep all day and stay up at night tomorrow until Saturday because I MUST GET TO SCHOOL AT 6:15AM. x_x AND I DON'T WANT TO MISS IT. Plus my friends irl would kill me. 8D;

I won't be able to get to your entries but I'll be on MSN and AOL if you want to talk to me. :3 I'll try my best to get to your entries but I might not be able to get to all so I'm sorry. D:

AOL: CresentMoonKauya [D| *wants to change it*]

I'll be back as soon as I can. :3 See everyone later.
Yume loves everyone very much~! Please take care! 8D

see you all soon!, hiatus, busy

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