
Mar 04, 2013 20:50

So, I've been super-busy with
* work (videogame dialogue/lore writing again; so awesome)
* other work (bought a font to lay out the US print edition of Queen & Commander this weekend)
* health stuff (a third PT, Janine?, really?, and how much have your premiums gone up this year?)

Hence, this post is about podfic. Because I've recently become an addict! Yay! And what is this LJ if not an excuse to be fannish when the mood strikes?

Now, I don't usually listen to audio-books of any kind. Not of books I like. Not of books I've wanted to try. Not during long car trips. Not of podfic.

Okay, I think I listened to the first chapter of something on an international flight once... and then turned my player to music while I read a physical book. (It was a long time ago.)

But! The last two weeks at work, I got assigned a task that was time consuming, but didn't require brainpower once I knew what I was doing. So, I started listening to podfic on my headphones. (Headphones are important. That first day, I didn't read the story warnings. This mistake lead to much blushing and nervous tittering when the sex scenes started. Oops.)

Anyway, I've realized that finding good podfic is MUCH harder than finding good fanfic. SO MANY CONSTRAINTS.

1) There's less of it.
2) You have to like the story.
3) You have to like the reader.
4) You may not want to listen to NC-17 stuff at work. (This no longer bothers me.)

I'm thinking of becoming one of those podfic activists who goes around recording old stuff that people have forgotten about. I don't see any point in being "active" by hosting a new archive, because AO3 and that other one that I usually get sent to from AO3 are doing just fine.

Still, there needs to be more stuff out there. In all my spare time (what spare time?, I hear you cry), I think I'll start rounding up some recording permissions.

Or maybe I won't. Because it's a huge time commitment.

Then again, it'd be awesome. And also make me feel useful. And also also be good practice because I think I'm going to make a podiobook of my novel at some point, and should probably know what I'm doing.

If anyone wants to rec some podfic, I'd appreciate it. But I don't know when I'll get to it. (The "no brainpower" assignment finished last Friday. When I was 3 hours into a 20 hour Gundam Wing epic being read by Rhea314...)

fanfic, fandom, podfic, general

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