This would have been a post about playing my guitar on the terrace of my building (much to the apparent enjoyment of the taxi corps at the hotel across the street), but it's not.
This is a post about how (as usual) I get hit on in the weirdest ways.
In the span of 10 minutes, as I walked from my flat to linner, two men hit on me.
Keep in mind that I'd been out most of the day, and no one had hit on me before. I was wearing ripped jeans, a plain tank top (that didn't show off much of my bust line either), sensible closed-toe-closed-heel-black shoes, and a hair clip.
Guy #1 pulls over to the curb (almost right outside my building). He's a bit shy and really sweet and wants to give me his number. I told him I had a bf. He's all, "Let me give you my number. That way if your ever single, anytime in the next--oh, I dunno--five years, you can call me." He then launched into that he works (and what he does), that I'm beautiful, and that he's not bald beneath the baseball cap.
Guy #2 is standing in front of an office building and frustrated with his cell. Since I am walking towards him with a cell in hand, he asks if I'd let him borrow my phone to make a call--he's just left his lawyer's office and needs to call his ride but can't get a connection. Too nice person that I am, I push aside my paranoia and let him use my phone. When he gives it back, he asks me out to dinner. I tell him I have a bf. He then proceeds to try and convince me--telling me about his church, his job, how he thinks I have a "fun vibe", how he likes going out but doesn't date, how he doesn't have any kids, how he thinks I must be about 22 (he's 31)...
Normal men don't hit on me. Only seriously odd ones. At least Guy #1 was relatively low-key and totally let me make it clear that I was only being politely flattered. Guy #2 was both oblivious to my lack of interest, but also more than a bit creepy and nervous-making.
That's it! Clearly, I can't walk in Long Beach anymore! When I do, weird men hit on me. [Where are the nice ones? Someone cute and interesting who wants 15 minutes for coffee and turns out to be a BSG fan, etc.? Okay, that'd probably creep me out too, really.]