I lost my virginity to a girl named Cher.

May 22, 2002 04:05

I lost my virginity to a girl named Cher.

That is correct, I lost my virginity to a girl named Cher. I think that’s pretty cool. We did not date really, I had no particular feelings for her. I just really did not want to be a virgin anymore. I was eighteen and had passed my chance a few times before because I was afraid of everything that may happen afterward. From disease and pregnancy to the thought that I would find out that i actually had no feelings toward the person or that I did have something for her. With all of this in my head it was pretty easy for me to talk myself out of ending my virginity. I was too intimidated by any girl that I had a crush for so I only made progress with girls I did not really care about. This seemed to promote the endless circle that prohibited me from escaping the mental prison society had placed on me.
Being a victim of society, I thought ” if only there were some other way.” Luckily I lived in a resort town where spring break lasted for months. After work one night i joined a friend at an underage club where i met Cher. She was vacationing with her mother and some cousins. She had a Louisiana accent and i thought when she referred to her friend as a “cheap ass” she was calling them a “chew bass”. I asked what a “Chew bass” was and the clarification was made. She was 21 and in collage. We hung out for a short while and then I walked her and her friends to their car. I drove home soon afterward, no kiss or anything- I was neither that smooth or did I think I had a chance. Even though she had the thick southern accent, she was very attractive.
The next day at work I was making gumbo and my friend asked what happened and every one looked up expecting a great story. Again I had to let them down. So as I sat there wishing something would have happened so I would have a story to tell a busboy came back into the kitchen yelling out my name.
“You John?” I told I was and he handed me a parking pass for a condo on the beach with a note from Cher written on it. I had been wearing my work shirt the night before so she knew where I worked. Again all eyes were on me. I smiled and put it in my pocket as my coworkers vocalized their well wishing. I got off work and hauled ass to the resort. I found her on the beach wearing a Harley Davidson bikini.(Seriously, this is all true I’m not fucking around.” We sat and talked and she introduced me to her mother. I was nice, and they were nice. She walked me back to my car and we made plans to meet back at the night club. I arrived home to find that my parents’ best friends were in town staying at our house along with their two kids, One of which I had grown up with and was a few years older than me.
My dad volunteered me to show him around. I told them I had a date and his mother lectured him on how he was not to be out late or to drink. We arrived at the club around ten. I saw my friend from the night before there and pawned off my guest on him so I could go find Cher. When I left, my friend Tim said to him “So, your in computers eh?” and he just shrugged his shoulders and said that he thought he had just been ditched.
I found Cher and she and her friends were just leaving so i offered to walk them back to her car. Her friends went off one way to get her car and she said that she would walk me back to mine. I let my house guest into the car and then walked to my side of the car to say goodbye. Cher told me she would be leaving to go home tomorrow afternoon. I had to work in the morning so I would not see her again. She gave me a good bye kiss and it evolved into full on make-out session. Soon boy instincts took over and guided me until she let out a little sound that I knew meant I was going to do “it”.
I opened the door and told my house guest to walk around the parking lot for a few minutes. He groaned and complied. I then popped the hatchback door and put down the seats. Cher hesitantly commented that it looked like I had done this before. I assured her that I had not.
We got into the back of my nissan 200sx and shut the hatch. Soon the windows were fogged and I had lost my virginity. It was nothing spectacular. It was thrilling to touch a girl and i wished it would have been better appreciated. I was really very goal oriented at that point, I knew what to do and soon it was done. I don’t know if she was satisfied or not, I have’nt the slightest clue.
Someone knocked on the car door and I leapt into the front seat and cleared the fog from the window. Outside the door was my house guest, Cher’s friends and the cops.
We were dressed and quickly said our goodbyes. On the way home My house guest turned to me and said “I can’t believe you slept with that girl in your car.” I nodded like it happened all the time. We got home and his mother chewed him out for being late.
The next day I felt no different than the day before except that I knew that I was no longer a virgin. Nobody else had known I was a virgin so it merely amounted to a technicality.
I was sort of pleased but struck by how little it mattered. Still I was relieved to have it over. I began to think about Cher, I was sort of sad. I did not know why. I did not know her well enough to miss her, I did not know her long enough to have any kind of crush or whatever.
I really did not know what to think and began to be distracted by the whole confusion. then the same busboy came into the kitchen to tell me there was a blond girl asking for me at the hostess counter. He then turned to everyone else to give his approval of her.
I rounded the corner and say Cher standing there. The restraint was not yet open for business so it was quiet except for the noise of a vacuum cleaner coming from one of the dining rooms overhead. She looked smaller and not as wizened as I remembered from last night. She was 21 and I was 18 when I met her she seemed kind of savvy in an older way. Now she just looked like a girl. She explained that during our back seat romp her drivers license must have fallen out of her pocket. We walked out to the car and retrieved it and said a last goodbye. I can’ t remember if i kissed her goodbye or not. I think I did.
When I got off work there was a torn piece of a natural light packaging under my windshield. It was Cher’s phone number and address, and a little note where she had made a reference to my “chew-bass” quote. I never wrote her.
I don’t think I thought I was supposed to back then. I can’t remember what I thought. I may have wrote her and forgotten it but I know I never called. I just thought that was what people on spring break did. They leave and maybe you run into them on the beach next year, maybe you don’t. For some reason I thought she just wrote down that info as some sort of curtsey, no that she really wanted me to write. I should have at least wrote. I don’t think she has any idea that it was my first time.
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