Sep 20, 2011 23:24
So of course, Tim and I had sex and I didn't even bring up our issues. I don't know what's WRONG with me when it comes to Tim, other than the sex and chemistry are so great that I'm willing to ignore what I know is not right for me. This means we've been hooking up for over a year now, which is tragically my longest "relationship" by a lot.
We did talk out some camp drama, he loves my idea for a grant proposal for a Burning Man eco village (name TBD). I'm great at this shit and it needs to be done, especially now that they have the non-profit part of the company. We talked through some details of how it would need to work, and of course once I have something concrete I'll get advice from everyone I know that would be involved/supportive. By next year I want to have a real plan and have the wheels set in motion...regardless of whether I ever go back to Recycle camp or not.
I had to kick Tim out to give lt. cupcake her backpack and go visit David. It was a little weird, but I'm proud of how much he's doing right now. He's working full time as a pizza chef and then selling biodegradable cleaning products on the side. And he's living in an apartment with friends again. And he made me an awesome dinner, and promised to help me get the car window closed until I can get the motor repaired. Talk about a valuable friendship.
Today I got through about 90% of the cleanup from Burning Man, I just have to put shit away and wash the outside of my car and I'm almost done.
AND! Most importantly, I spoke with George the landowner about work. He's had some hard hits this season, and things are definitely not starting for a few weeks, but he's going to find me work through his cooperative. Tim also offered to ask around for me, so I should be set by October 1st. I have other connections I can try if needed, but I'm thinking George's are likely to be really fucking good.
I started listing my furniture on craigslist, all the big things besides my bed need to go ASAP. Once those items are gone I can worry about clothes and random shit, but that's gonna have to wait a few days. Time for some intense hustling.