Jul 25, 2009 20:58
I was pleasantly surprised this evening. I moved into my new place completely today, and in doing that I had to find something to sleep on. So as luck would have it (if you want to call it that considering I'd been searching for days) I found a nice futon for really cheap. I asked a friend of mine to help me haul it since my car isn't big enough. Now I don't know this guy very well, we met dancing, but he is nice and offered to help when I needed it. To repay him I decided to take him and a mutual friend out to dinner. I invited him, and he ended up paying. I put up a good fight, but he still paid for it. As often as Steven told me that chivalry was dead I have a hard time believing it. All the guys I've ever gone out with or have been friends with have been nothing short of gentlemen. Maybe he was just trying to talk himself up. I dunno, but whatever it was I'm glad he was proven wrong again tonight. :)
Edit: WTF, there is man-hunt going on outside my apartment right now and this is what the helicopters are broadcasting "Attention on the ground, attention on the ground *something I couldn't understand* we are looking for a white male about 57 years or age wearing a black sweater and walking with a walker. *some more mumbling*"
new place