it was really worth the $75 (is that considered expensive or cheap in the states?)
In the states, in my opinion $75 is usually expensive for a concert. However, the price is just right for big named bands like BSB. As long as you really enjoyed the concert and were truly satisfied, you got your money's worth. You look so adorable in your pix. In all, I'm glad you had a wonderful time. :D
It's pretty much on the expensive end, though for someone as big as BSB (even though they're kind of old) it makes sense. My most expensive tour was Honda Civic and those were like, $40? Then again the headliners was Fall Out Boy, and they're too new to warrant anything over $50 really.
On the other hand, Wondergirls tickets went up to $150 at Madison Square Garden... but that's the venue XD
waktu itu emang sih diajak temen, tapi aku ada acara jadi gak bisa. temen aku juga bilang bagus konsernya. rencananya James Blunt aku mau nonton, moga2 bisa :D
Comments 12
In the states, in my opinion $75 is usually expensive for a concert. However, the price is just right for big named bands like BSB. As long as you really enjoyed the concert and were truly satisfied, you got your money's worth. You look so adorable in your pix. In all, I'm glad you had a wonderful time. :D
It's pretty much on the expensive end, though for someone as big as BSB (even though they're kind of old) it makes sense. My most expensive tour was Honda Civic and those were like, $40? Then again the headliners was Fall Out Boy, and they're too new to warrant anything over $50 really.
On the other hand, Wondergirls tickets went up to $150 at Madison Square Garden... but that's the venue XD
The concert looks awesome dear. Yayz to memorable concert!
kaka kok ga ntn?? seru bgt lohh kak kyk nostalgia abiss gtu hehe :D
rencananya James Blunt aku mau nonton, moga2 bisa :D
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