Clever, title people. Clever, clever.

Nov 11, 2009 22:15

Being Erica, 'Under My Thumb': ahahahaha. You Yanks with SoapNet will have to tell me whether they make any significant cuts to this episode. Something tells me there might be one or two. *g*

--ETHAN. Poor Ethan. Poor, hopelessly vanilla Ethan. Poor, hopelessly vanilla Ethan, who watches HYSTERICALLY AWFUL PORN. :D

...I'm actually kind of fascinated by Poor, Hopelessly Vanilla Ethan, because as Erica's "Be a man!" Freudian slip suggested, our culture is predisposed to thinking of (and our media is predisposed to portraying)men as the sexually-aggressive (or at least -assertive) ones, while women "need" to be coaxed out of their reserve so they can realise that Non-"Romantic" Sex Can Be Fun.

Have I mentioned that I love how refreshing this show can be sometimes? 'Cause I LOVE THAT ABOUT IT.

--SAM. And KAI. On the COUNTER. *fans self* Yeah.

...yeah. *g*

--SAM HAS DITCHED JOSH. \o/ I'm sure this won't be all there is to it, given that she was willing to go back to him and there's still a tonne of story to play out re: them, but STILL. \o/

--I am in the odd position of being mad at Brent, and feeling sympathy for Julianne. THIS IS NOT IN THE NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS. (Although Brent's casually earnest, "Six to eight times a day." is still making me snicker. Hee.) In light of this craziness, it was good to at least have my automatic Skeeve Cringe when it comes to Jeff Seymour fully validated by Friedkin's rampant asshaberdashery. (Clarification: I have nothing whatsoever against Jeff Seymour! He just does such a good job of playing utter SKETCH. Gaaah.)

--Doctor Tom and Doctor Fred: CAGE OFFICE MATCH OF MILD-MANNERED DOOOOOOOOOOM. Given their snippiness, and the rooftop argument between Doctor Tom and Doctor Naadiah in 2.01, I think we can now safely assume that Time Lords Therapists might just have every human interaction possible with quotations. Which leads me to conclude that a Time Therapist sex scene would be FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS. ("'...harder for me...' Plutarch." "As Kathleen Turner said in Body Heat, 'Oohhhhhh.'")

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