"Dad wants to know if you're upset about a guy."

Aug 25, 2006 00:04

Dear FM96,

Please stop playing Bob Noxious. I know he's local and all, but...please? You can start playing him again in December; I like his Christmas tunes, so I promise I won't complain then. But for now--yeah. Please?

*doe eyes*,



I have slain the fic that was mocking me so very mercilessly this week! The secret was in letting Lana unleash her natural creepiness.

I'm actually quite sad that Lana's morbidity has been ignored by TPTB since 'Nocturne' (because falling asleep on her parents' grave is totally normal behaviour for the average teenaged girl living in the American mid-west). You know that meme that went around a while ago, the "My [Character]" thing where you explain your personal preferences/views when it comes to a character's characterisation? Well, my Lana Lang still visits her parents' grave to talk about what's going on in her life. And when she's there, she acts as though talking to a headstone is no different than talking to any living, breathing human being. And she's still comforted by those visits. And, most importantly, she sees nothing weird about any of this.

Luckily, there's nothing canonical that seriously contradicts My Lana Lang. And since it's Smallville, there's so much you have to assume has happened off-screen anyway...

So, yes. I have slain the fic! And Lana is creepy!

The End.
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