Aug 11, 2007 23:12
I am idly wondering why cicada killers hate my car so much. When I pull into my driveway, I can count on one or two of them whipping around and around the vehicle, and ricocheting off my windows for about 3-5 minutes (after that, I think they get bored-- or tired of bonking their empty little insect noggins, perhaps).
They don't come after me when I walk around there (although I do like to wait until the car-battering frenzy "dies down" before I venture out). Other bugs attack me, but not these guys... so far.
I don't mind them on principle, despite the fact that they're 2-inch-long wasps. And cicadas do need to be killed. But could you guys not stake out my friggin' driveway as territory? Kthxbye.
Can it please be winter now? I have to deal with another two months of these bastards, I think...