Guess who's been busy in the studio? Disclaimer: these are all works in progress, not final mixes.
*Haven't you always wanted to write and perform an angsty song about your irritating former employer? Sure you have! Note: There's a first and third verse here, but the second verse is conspicuously absent. I believe there is some kind of contest going on-- open to all current/former TGIF's employees-- to see who can supply the best verse 2. If you qualify and want to give it a shot, you can post your entry here, and I will forward it to the appropriate people :) (
"I'm Done With Friday's") EDIT: This song is rated "ZOMG! NSFW!!!" (the other two are pretty much OK, though... ;))
*I gotcher Billboard Hot 100 Single right here... but do tack on another 30 seconds or so. OK, boys? (
"The One")
*Boy meets girl, girl gets flaky, boy gets creative, alternative rock power-ballads ensue... (
"Who Goes Out At 2?")