Getting back into things

Jun 12, 2012 03:07

The first half of the year kicked my ass.  Work was so overwhelming, I didn't make a whole lot of space in my life for creatively participating in my fandoms outside of editing and posting my concert pics from SMTown LA.  Now that work's easing up, I want to get back to writing. /sobs for my poor abandoned WIP, though, I'm looking back at my notes from half a year ago and cringing.  Gonna have to start from scratch again and I'm not sure if I'm up to it.  Hopefully I'll get inspired watching/reading some bg material I have lined up...hopefully.

Also, I fell, and fell really hard, for EXO (yay!).  Everything is so fresh and shiny and new and they're a shippers paradise.  Current biases: Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Kai, Luhan, and Tao.  I really want to write something ChanSoo cause I want them to be (but alas, they seem firmly in the rare pair territory).

Commitmentphobe that I am, all I'll say is, "here's to trying."
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