Jan 27, 2006 20:35

I'm going to enter a Poetry contest, and I can't choose which poem to submit. Please go here and leave me a comment saying which one(s) you like best. The only rule is that it must be "composed in the traditional modes of meter, rhyme and received forms for consideration in the competition." I think that just means it can't be free-formed. The only one I wouldn't want to submit is Rime Revisited, but any others that are "traditional" I wouldn't mind submitting. PLEASE DO THIS FOR ME!!! I understand not everyone has the x amount of time to read them all, but even if you just read a few and choose one you like...

To make things easier, here are the subject matters of the individual poems, starting with the most recent and lyrics are in bold:
Vanished- The terms by which one defines "virgin"
I Wear So Much Clothing Yet I'm Always Naked- About this sentiment
Trust Me...- Relationships
Trigger-Graph- Pictures that trigger unwanted emotions, or just about unwanted emotions in general.
Still Around Waiting- Suicidal feelings
My Sigh- Suicial feelings and wanting to be rid of them
Rime Revisited (called here Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Summary)- My own interpretation of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", kept in the same format as the original
It's You- How someone ignores and annoys to the point of wanting either them or you to die
a SonG- The composition of a song, but really a metaphor for life
Out- Being down and out, contemplating what life would be like after death
Aloud- The want to ask for help
Screamed- Same as Aloud
Farewell, L. Miller- A funeral
Changed- How feelings can change when starting a relationship
Shakespearean Sonnet #1 (Pre-Dawn Flight)- Hot-air ballooning
Balladmonger- Always being an outcast from early childhood until time of writing and the feelings it creates
at least she left a note- The feelings of no one, especially family, not caring about suicide
If Only- Speaking up about feelings for others; how a few words can save someone's life
Outcasted by Population - Teenage Anthem- High school and how the anonymity can kill a person emotionally
Brie- How a sibling can treate you badly but still love you
No Rhyme, No Reason- Feelings
How I Feel- Depression and loneliness
Happy Families- Mixed feelings about seeing happy families when you only know shambles
Wonder- Making others the number one priority
Trio of Defeat- Liking three different people and not knowing who to choose for a relationship
Emotionless- The awkward nothingness when depression goes away; the feelings a new relationship emits
Nothing is Really Wrong- Putting up a fake front to mask feelings of depression/suicide; dismissing feelings as unimportant
Life's Lesson- Feelings; self-injury and suicide
Happiness- Feeling happiness for the first time after years of sadness and anger
Ode to Megan L.- Saying farewell to a friend who moved
Blood and Fire- How self-injury is addicting and can lead to suicide, whether planned or accidental
Fate?- Having no friends and the sadness it creates
Sadness in Thought- Not wanting a friend to be sad or suicidal; the love of a friend
Fabrications?- Wondering if a friend is telling the truth and how it might not matter if they help
He She- Stereotypes, fitting in, acceptance by peers
You- Same as He She
Why?- Same as He She
Reality TV- The desensetizing nature of Reality TV
Chatters- Loneliness and feeling sorry for people with fake friends
The New Day- Hope, decisions, and sadness
New Day's Dawn- Dismissing the notion of suicide and deciding to push through the days
Goodbye- Feeling the want to die so badly, but feeling even deeper the want to live
Turkey for Class- Thanksgiving dinner
Adios- Love that's dying
Forever- Loving someone
Fading- Losing love
iTe Amo!- Loving someone
Together- Loving and missing someone when not together
Name- Using the letters of a name to create adjectives/desciption about the person
Farewell- Leaving someone
You Make Me...- Loving someone
An Answer- Being torn between liking two people

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