Listen to this weekend...

Mar 29, 2004 17:05

This weekend could be seen as...uneventful to some people, but was GREAT FOR ME! Saturday was pretty boring, as they usually are, because I had to work. But enough of that, Sunday was fun...

Sunday morning I went over to Jess's house at 11:00 to play some Warcraft III.

Once there, we "assumed the positions". Let me explain...

Jess's house is the house of games, so to say. I bring over my PS 2 which is installed with all the necessary software to play Final Fantasy XI and I hook it up to Jess's TV. Next to her TV is a really fast and powerful computer, where we play Warcraft III. In her basement is another computer where someone else can play the same game. On her floor are beanbag chairs where someone could play gameboy. And in her family room is a giant TV where someone could play Jess's PS 2.

Under this setup;
I'm on Jess's computer playing Warcraft III,
Jess is on her bed playing my Final Fantasy XI,
Tara is in the basement playing Warcraft III with me,
Russ is in the family room playing Soul Calibur II,
and a random 5th person is on Jess's floor playing gameboy

All together, a pretty awsome gaming experience lol

I visited Kristin Sunday night on my way home from Jess's and we talked for a while, but I was already a half hour late so I didn't stay that long

In school today, I was pretty relieved,
The AP Statistics test on hypothesis testing, which I thought I failed, when actually I got a 91, was given back to us today. I was pretty syked! lol
In the morning, I got called down to the office, and me always thinking the worst, walked in causiously, was relieved to hear that I only had a guidance appointment *whew*
In the appointment, my counser and I went over all the scholarships I applied for (and there were A LOT, believe me!) and made sure everything was in order.

I think Mrs. Sullivan is not here again, for like the billionth time this year, but no one is complaining.

So, I end another day happy, glad (and even a little sad) that my high school career is winding to a close. But hell, everything changes! Till next time,
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