And So I'm Back, Luggage Ran Out of Space.....

Sep 11, 2007 04:54

I'm back! And I'm posting this at 5am in the morning! And that means I can check "Experience Jet Lag" off my "100 Things To Do" list.

The trip was ... rejuvenating. My dad felt that I looked somewhat brighter, and not so depressed (or maybe that was my new face powder working). Hmm. Anyway, I came away from this trip feeling more in tune to my life. Hopefully I can keep this in mind and not let myself get defeated by Singapore's frantic and solemn pace.

I like London. Its kinda messy, but in a friendly, colourful way. The massive parks with their seemingly boundless greenery are a lively contrast to the "brown" historic buildings. From the beautiful museums, to the vibrant weekend markets, there's just so much to see and do. The people are usually nice and friendly as well (Paris, you can pick up a lesson or two!).

We made a side trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. One word : COLD. I had on a camisole, a long-sleeved knit top, a woolly jacket, and a scarf. Drop me off a flight of stairs and I'll probably bounce right along. The scenery of Edinburgh was breathtaking though. Its such an old-town; you can barely see any new architecture around the place. Each building seems to have its own slice of history etched deeply into its tiles. My dear friend, who seem to have been inspired by the 2 stuffed toy sheep which he bought, decided to do lots of climbing up mountains too. I was immensely grateful that I was wearing boots instead of some girly flats on this trip. Fortunately the view on top was really worth the climb; I'll see if I can post some pictures next time.

This mad girl then decided to go on a solo 2D1N trip to Paris. And British Airways apparently thought it was not adventurous enough, and arranged for my luggage to arrive on a later flight than me! Thank goodness they sent it to my hotel that very night.

But I digress.

Paris, the city of romance. French men are really friendly and they'll attempt to strike up conversations even when you are simply walking down a street. Its good when you get a free commentary on the sights in Paris, bad when you simply want to be left alone to enjoy the spectacular views (of the attractions, not the men). Still their little gestures - a rakish wink, a lingering kiss on the hand - make you feel absolutely adored and fabulous being a female. Being amorous just seems second nature to them.

My absolute favourite sight of Paris? No, not the Sephora store (though that's probably the 3rd. Or 2nd.). Its the IM Pei Pyramid outside the Lourve Museum. Perhaps I was influenced by The Da Vinci Code but I was really feeling awed by the majestic structure. Definitely the highlight of my Paris trip.

Its 540am now! So I should try to get some shuteye and leave more for the next entry. ;)
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