Apr 19, 2006 18:31
Things I learnt in Shanghai:
1) Traffic lights are only a suggestion.
Shanghainese simply ignore traffic lights! Pedestrians cross roads at their own pace; drivers speed through red lights as if the lights are merely decorative objects. We had to look left and right twenty times before we gingerly placed one foot to the road!
2) Menus are extremely precious commodities.
Being an extremely impatient person, I always grab another copy of the menu in restaurants while my dad takes his time to ponder on the mysterious ingredients in each dish. Usually the local restaurants are happy to accommodate (probably want us to decide and finish our meals promptly!). However, I was given the EVIL EYE in Shanghai when I tried to do that. They made me feel like the most selfish person on this planet for taking a second menu. Aiyo, with dishes like "Chicken hurt with hot pepper sauce", I need a dictionary to go with the menu!
3) Either I look 8 years younger in China or the people there need glasses.
A fellow tour member with our Hangzhou tour group thought that I was holidaying during my school vacation! Another shop owner mistook me for a 20-year old person. Wah, who needs an elixir of youth when you can drop years off your age just like that?
But overall, I had an enjoyable time. Shopping was fantastic! Sequin tees and working shirts were going for $5, shoes at $6 (I bought 5 pairs! Which brings my current shoe collection to 43 pairs!), and long strings of pearls at $2(I grabbed 5!)! Yes, I'm an incorrigible shoppaholic. ;P
I was squealing in delight when I saw Sephora; although it didn't stock as much stuff as the US outlet, I couldn't stop exclaiming at the gorgeous makeup there. One embarrassing moment though, when I spotted the male make-up salesperson having more makeup on than me! Concealer, bronzer, lipstick, lipgloss, ... the whole works! I only had my powder on; frozen face was buried in a knitted scarf. Anyway, I behaved myself and stopped at one shimmering loose powder and 2 lipglosses (must clarify: 1 for my sis-in-la ;Þ).
What was most precious to me was the time spent with my parents. They always wanted to visit China and they finally made the trip. Seeing them joke with each other and constantly in high spirits was definitely worth the numerous overtime I had to put in when I returned to work. ;)