(Other people's) poems, one a day, in the runup to National Poetry Day

Oct 05, 2010 02:32


for allen ginsberg manifesto fragment & poem for-the one-eyed children I DONT KNOW WHERE THESE WORDS COME FROM ANYMORE dreams of non-paranoid paranoia it will all work out in the end but i keep thinking ill be one of the dead/ did i put that into my head? my conclusions are never related to the information devoured/or i eat WORDS IDEAS VISIONS in an attempt to grasp sumthing CONCRETE to communicate (there is no music in this country all my thoughts turn into myths MY REALITY DOESNT HAVE A FUCKING THING TO DO WITH YR REALITY for instance, a chinese holy man just appeared on the curtains & what Antonin Artaud proved was "If you're really where its at" you can turn shock therapy into a psychedelic experience/ & if you overindulge you get friedbrains & that freaks up yr brain waves for a while. if you're ultra-cool you can control yr psychiatrist & he'll turn you on at regular intervals, on the other hand ONE mistaken ride on his brain waves & you may end up like him/ exce pt he has the money & you don't. he can afford to let you pay him to maintain his myth & that is the real basis of your unreality, all you get is the pussy which you cant accept becuz you havent paid for it / the thang becomes unreal until you can buy yr way out of the mass myth FOR THE POET words ARE THE FASTEST CURRENCY out of the State illusion...But it is still money that keeps him out of the State Institutions / Physically that is...THE POETS MYTH IS PORTABLE The Myth of Freedom is Portable...Pocket Ra is Portable BEING TOLD YOU ARE LOCKED UP IS WORSE THAN BEING LOCKED UP WE ARE ALL LOCKED UP/ in credit cunt, behind the bars of the conservative alcoholic bank book, in advertising supermarket food prisons/ Our Bodies are Spirit Vaults..BREAK THE SEAL by osmosis along the dotted lines on the top of yr head FREEDOM FOR THE SPIRIT the bodies tomb doors are locked from the outside This is called Living In A World Of Ignorance THE BEGINNING is learning to move about freely within yr own tomb dont look outside there is nothing but the wrathful cardboard deities of the T.V.Myth. WHAT IS FREEDOM FOR THE SPIRIT? its like driving a go cart in a parma supermarket & HELL/YAMA is being pursued by a Lawrence Welk smile at GREAT NORTHERN SHRIEK...THE SUPERMARKET SUTRA...& the small tantric sermons of the drive-in auto-mobile ashram-strobescopic flickerings of limp-sex films...a teeny bopper who is dry thinks she is a tantric Kwan-Yin trying to mother love & worshiping the motorcycle OSIRIS his phallus lost in the dawn - drive-in sex at the gas station GAS? OIL? GROPE? mechanical hands grope you in your auto as you are gassed & oiled & later annointed at the drive-in reading The Perfumed Garden by the light of the glove compartment I KEEP TELLING MYSELF, to take more drugs so i will be more coherent/ i keep telling myself to leap like a flame from my window//i am afraid to be the first assassination in Cleveland, everyone will think it was the drugs (i rarely took) perhaps i should have...) Allen/ the bell me&the dragon lady bought in detroit or the toledo art museum hidden in the turquiose scarabs/ i gave it to you after you read at the AMASA STONE CHAPEL - chanted mantras- shot us full of light & the bell rings saying THUS i dont want to be paranoid but other than you, no one ever told me how to LOVE a Vacuum, Allen you may not be as holy as Jesus & the fat funk brahmans of India, but you are certainly among the most holy & sacred men in this desert..allen..i dont want to start a cult they do not sell meat tenderizer for the dawn cock & last night i skoffed several lifetimes of snatch as a yoga practice - turned on people just telling then how to function in the Love Underground - the catacombs of america are full of the songs of the skull sung in gothic bathrooms - i beleive there is merit in taking a good shit - THIS a first creative act is the first step to being reborn -- An act of love (it came & swallowed all my words) How did we fall for the myth of Ulysses murdering the ONE-EYED child when he sez he is NO MAN he wasnt kidding Ulysses is an animal a george orwell cartoon movie of the bullshit pig & the Babylonians & the Assyrians & our whole disease culture is based on these SWINE proud to murder those giants with One EYE/ THOSE ANGELS WITH THE EYE THAT FEELS Were they the original gods if i open the window in my head will they kill me? how many survived waiting hiding centuries piled on centuries waiting for the Day of Love to arrive & instead they are greeted by the facist princes & the war lords Ulysses,hitler,mussolini,franco,stalin,johnson eisenhower, trujillo, batista etc etc etc the names always spell / IMPOTENT BRAIN WAVES & UNCONTROLLED DEATH
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